Dabi| I Love You

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I panted heavily as I ran down a dark alleyway, clutching my side to try to staunch the blood. It ran warm and slippery down my side, covering my hands as I hit a dead end.

My chest heaved up and down, the tatters of my hero costume fluttering around me. I looked up to the sky, smoke covering the stars and I prayed. God, if you're up there, please help me. Help him. Please.

There was footsteps echoing off the brick walls of the buildings and I leaned against the cold wall of the dead end, knowing that there wasn't any use in fighting. Not anymore.

His laughter was cold and harsh. "Look at that sweetheart, looks like you're at a dead end."

My breaths came out quicker as my blood dropped into a puddle on the ground. "Thanks captain obvious." I muttered.

Dabi smiled, holding up a hand with his terrible blue fire. It glinted off his staples and piercings and made his blue eyes alight with a dangerous look. He was the predator and he was about to strike his prey.

"Any last words hero?" His snarl went at odds with the smile he gave and the maniac look on his face as he stuck a hand on the side of a building, a sizzling sound filling the alleyway as it started raining.

My knees gave out, collapsing me into a puddle of my own blood mixed with rain water. I tried to even out my breathing as my hands fell to the ground, letting the blood rush out of me.

I shakily looked up at the man who I once thought of as a friend before I thought he died. At the man I thought I could've saved. But I can't and it's too late for the both of us.

"I love you."

I couldn't tell if it was the rain or tears running down my face as I felt myself fading before finally slumping over into the puddle of my rain mixed blood.

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