Remus Lupin| Disowned

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The girl with the blue hair laughed loudly as she and her friends entered the Great Hall. Usually she entered alone, quietly slipping in and heading towards the Slytherin table with her head down, not attracting anyone's attention. But one of her friends had just said something hilarious that had everyone laughing which caused everyone in the immediate area to look at them.

It wasn't everyday that you saw the blue haired girl with her friends, choosing mostly to stick to herself in the public's eye. So people wouldn't think of her like they did of other Slytherins.

She blushed and shrunk back into her robes as she felt everyone's eyes on her and almost got left behind as all her friends left her until Kiara Parkinson grabbed her sleeve, "C'mon Allison."

Allison followed her twin sister to the Slytherin table where Kiara immediately started flirting with a seventh year. Allison wasn't like her sister. She wasn't like most of the people at that table. She was just there because she didn't want to disappoint her family. She couldn't be like Sirius Black and defy his parents, refuse their beliefs, and then run away. She wished she could, but she can't.

But Kiara on the other hand was the perfect Slytherin. The golden child to her parents. She was smart, ambitious, cunning, and wicked. Everything Allison wasn't. And she was told that every day by her parents whether it be in person or through letter.

Allison quietly ate, listening to her friends, more like Kiara's friends, talk and watched people. Mainly the Marauders. She would never tell anyone this but she has a crush on one of them, Remus Lupin. He had always been so kind to her even though she was a Slytherin. Always helped her during class and was basically the only reason she could even get into N.E.W.T classes. He was the only Marauder who would talk to her.

"Who're you watching?"

Allison snapped her head towards her sister, blushing at getting caught, "No one. I was just thinking."

Kiara raised an eyebrow, "Sure. You need to dye your hair back." She said as she touched Allison's blue hair, "Mother doesn't like it."

Dying her hair blue was Allison's way of rebelling. It was the little things like dying her hair or playing her music a little too loud. She couldn't outright rebel like Sirius but she hoped that one day she would leave. Get a new life.

"I know but I like it. It is my hair, not hers." Allison said before going back to her food.

Kiara sighed, "So stubborn."

There was a commotion in which James Potter had climbed up on the table and started confessing his love for Lily Evans who looked mortified.

"Lily, my sweet Lily! Your hair is like the fire of heavens! Your voice the lilting summer streams! Your eyes greener then all the meadows of the world! I am in love with everything about you from your amazing looks to your brilliance! Please go out with me?" He looked down at her and she looked like she was about to punch him.

Kiara giggled and started gossiping with her friends about James Potter whom she considered a disgrace to purebloods everywhere along with Sirius. Allison just felt sorry for the poor bloke.

Lily got up angrily and made her way out of the Great Hall with some of her friends following after her. James watched after her with a frown, wondering where he went wrong.

Allison watched as Sirius, Remus, and Peter all tried to get him off the table and she couldn't help but hope that one day it would work out for him even though he's going about it all wrong.

She got up and Kiara looked up at her questioningly, "I'm going on down to the common room."

Kiara just nodded and Allison didn't get far from the Great Hall before hearing voices, one of them belonging to an emotional Lily Evans.

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