Keigo Takami "Hawks"| Society

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Kimi: She's a villain who met Hawks on accident. Since their meeting she's kept in touch with him, hoping to have a relationship with him.

Quirk: Air Manipulation. She can manipulate the air around objects, making it seem as though she's levitating it. She can also suffocate people by manipulating the air in and surrounding them to leave.

Age: 22
I looked down at my phone, at the text sent to me just a couple of minutes ago.

You ready? Get your ass out here.

I smiled as I slipped out the window, dragging my bag behind me before running down the alley. I was almost out of the dark alley when someone stepped in my way.

"So you're finally leaving huh?"

"Get out of my way Dabi." I growled out, ready to attack him if need be.

"If that's what you want." He stepped to the side. "But just know that they're not going to treat you right. Heroes never do!"

His voice echoed after me as I ran past him to the car waiting for me. I'll show him, I'll show them all that there's more to life.

"No one stopped you Kimi?"

I grinned at Hawks, "No."
I lounged leisurely in Keigo's apartment, waiting for the winged hero to get home from his agency. I levitated a glass of wine above me, spinning it around as I heard the door open.

I sat up, seeing the messy haired blond. "Hi feathers."

"Hi songbird." I levitated another glass of wine to him which he took with a small smile, "How did you know?"

"I know you feathers and I know how you like to unwind after a day of saving people." I stood up, my glass following me before I threw my arms around him, "I've missed you."

"And I've missed you." He sent out some of his feathers to take his jacket as he simultaneously cleaned the apartment up.

"I was going to do that." I frowned.

He laughed, "Now you have more time with me instead of worrying about cleaning."

I smiled before placing my lips against his neck.

"Can't wait, huh?"

"No." I trailed kisses up his neck.
I walked through Keigo's office, wanting to surprise the winged hero. I acted like I didn't notice the stares from his subordinates but truthfully they were making me uneasy.

I jolted from someone running into me, my chest becoming warm as something ran down my shirt. I looked down to see my white shirt turn brown from spilled coffee.

"Oops, I'm sorry." I noticed the smirk in the voice of the girl who ran into me.

I gave her my best smile, "It's no problem."

She continued down the hallway and I turned around, levitating someone's cup of coffee above her head before dumping it on her. It was a little act but it felt so good.

She shrieked and I turned, smirking as I continued to Keigo's office.

"Hey feathers." I opened the door to see him at a desk.

"Hey songbird." He frowned as he noticed my brown stained shirt, "What happened?"

"Oh one of your subordinates had a little accident." I waved my hand, "It's fine though. We resolved it."

He smiled, "Would you like to borrow one of my shirts?"

"Yes, please."
I huffed as I walked out of The Commission's office with Keigo by my side. They wouldn't allow me a chance at the Provisional Hero License Exam or even a spot in one of the country's hero courses. They didn't trust me. I wanted to destroy something.

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