The Marauders| Eye Contact

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All four Marauders giggled as they shared what they wanted one in life one Friday night, eating food they had gotten from the kitchens.

"I want to grow a beard." Peter said, stuffing his face with sticky buns.

Sirius let out a bark like laugh, "It's like James and Lily; not likely to happen."

"Hey!" James protested, pouting.

Sirius gave him a pointed look, "Tell me otherwise."

James looked slightly embarrassed as he ducked his head, "Well, if you must know... Lily and I kinda had a thing last night."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"What happened?" Peter asked.

"It was right after Potions, she and I were alone in the classroom and we had... eye contact." James said seriously.

"Eye contact? I hope you were using protection." Remus said before eating a piece of chocolate.

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