Sanemi Shinazugawa| Red Bracelet

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[Modern AU]

During my last year of high school at Kimetsu Academy, we got a new math teacher. He was blond, tall, and most considered him scary looking because of the scars that covered him and the fact that he yelled a lot. But I never thought he was scary. I thought he was quite sweet, in his own way if you knew where to look.

I was one of few students who voluntarily talked to him even though I never really had a reason to. I had never failed a math test, I was one of the highest scorers on math tests.

I liked talking to Shinazugawa-sensei. He was funny if you caught him at the right time. He also liked talking about his little brother and how proud he was of him. He would've never told Genya that himself though. He has too much pride.

Shinazugawa-sensei is also the reason I had decided to pursue a teaching career in math. So after my first year of college, I had already earned enough credit hours to start my student teaching position. And it just so happened that the school nearest to me was Kimetsu Academy which meant my mentor teacher would be Shinazugawa-sensei.
I knocked before sliding the door open, a small smile on my face as I saw Shinazugawa. "Good morning Shinazugawa-sensei."

He looked up from where he had been grading papers, his narrow eyes slightly softening as he saw me. "Morning Tanimura."

I fiddled with the edge of my jacket. I had probably spent more time thinking about what I should wear then what most people do. I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear, or what I thought would capture Shinazugawa's attention. So I went with a plain shirt and black slacks and a black jacket.

I know I shouldn't have tried to dress up for Shinazugawa. I know it's wrong to want him to notice me as more than just a former student and student teacher. But I've always felt that way, since the first time I had saw him.

"Could you go to the lounge and pick up the copies I've made?" He didn't look up from his papers as he asked me.

"Of course." There was still thirty minutes until the students would start showing up and I wondered what else I would be doing today.

When I walked into the teacher's lounge, Rengoku-sensei and Kocho-sensei was also in there and both greeted me with warm smiles. Rengoku-sensei was a little more enthusiastic then Kocho-sensei but that's just how he is.

"Our newest addition! A fledgling teacher! I'm so proud!" He grinned as he typed away on his computer. He was always good at multitasking and I never understood how. I also never understood how he could have so much energy.

"Thank you Rengoku-sensei." I bowed before also bowing towards Kocho-sensei. "I hope you both have good days."
A lot of the third and second years recognized me throughout the day and wanted to talk to me during class which made Shinazugawa-sensei angry. Especially at Shinobu, Kocho-sensei's little sister.

But the first years had no clue who I was and there was more than a couple who tried flirting with me. Shinazugawa-sensei seemed to get more and more mad as the day progressed.

"Here is for you, mademoiselle." A boy with blond hair tried to smoothly give me a paper rose but he was clumsy and almost tripped over a desk.

I giggled as I accepted the paper rose from the totally not smooth first year. "Thank you. You should probably sit down before Shinazugawa-sensei gets back." I suggested gently, not trying to hurt his feelings.

"Agatsuma! Seat! Now!" Shinazugawa-sensei slammed the door open, not even hesitating as he yelled at the blond boy.

The boy, Agatsuma, seemed to almost whimper as he scurried back to his seat and a boy with black and blue hair laughed which caused Shinazugawa-sensei to yell again.
I frowned as I read Shinazugawa-sensei's plans for his after school class for the kids who needed more help.

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