Tramy Barrow| Magnetron

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I blink as I look at my reflection in the mirror, my silver hair in a braided crown that I had painstakingly braided myself. I had incorporated small pieces of metal into the braid, making it look more like a crown then just a braid. Plus, you can never have too much metal in case something was to happen. One could never tell in times like these when we were on the brink of a full on war with ourselves.

I look just like my brother and sister, all paleness and sharp edges. But I had an even bitter bite then them.

I schooled my features into an immovable mask before leaving my room, dismissing the red servants who had waited on me with a lazy wave. "I won't be needing you anymore today."

They didn't say a word and I didn't stay long enough to see what they did. There was more pressing matters to deal with which I needed to discuss with Father.
"I have a proposition."

My father looked at me, his dark eyes focused sharply on me. His shoulders were square, not relaxing even in the presence of family. "And?"

"I want to join the Scarlet Guard." I saw his eyes flash and I quickly continued, "I want to go undercover to provide information for you. Make sure you're one step ahead of everyone else, including the King."

He leaned forward slightly. "And how would you join? What is your plan for this? And how it benefits us?"

I squared my shoulders, prepared to make him see my vision. "If I join the Scarlet Guard and gain their trust then they'll tell me their plans. Then, in return, I tell you their plans which puts us one step ahead of the King. Which means you'll finally have the upper hand and can get that kingdom you've always wanted."

"Do you really think you could gain their trust?"

I nodded. "There's a rumor going around that Prince Maven has joined. If they can trust him then they can trust me."

Father's eyes darkened, "Prince Maven you say... do it. Do you remember how to get secret messages to us?"

I nodded as I stood up. "Yes father."

I didn't bother sneaking around to find Mareena Titanos and Maven Calore, they were easy to find. And so was their Scarlet Guard operative. I strode out into the moonlight, feeling hidden guns, at least eight of them. Maybe more.

"You know, you should try to be a little more secretive." I felt the guns train on me as the operative, Mareena and Maven whirled around. I held my hands up with a small smile, "No need to be alarmed, I'm not here to report you."

"Then why are you here?" The operative snarled.

"To pledge my allegiance to you of course. To your cause."

The operative, her hair was blonde and cut short and choppy, laughed a harsh laugh. "A Silver pledging to the Scarlet Guard?"

I inclined my chin to Maven, "He did it and he's royalty."

The operative didn't bother looking at the Calore prince, "He's different."

I leveled my gaze towards Maven, seeing him squirm underneath my stare. "Sure he is. And so am I."

"Let her join." Everyone turned to Mareena, "She could be useful."

I smiled, "Thank you."

The operative, who had introduced herself as Farley, glared at me. "I don't trust you."

I sighed, "I know but I hope in time that you will."
I glanced at Mareena, or Mare as she told me to call her, and grinned while sending her a wink. She didn't move, didn't acknowledge that I had did anything and I knew that she was getting the hang of this pageantry that the high houses go through. She was going to be good at this one day, I could tell.
"You seem to be getting along with Lady Titanos." Father quickly and precisely cut into his steak as he barely looked up at me.

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