Neji Hyūga| Late Night Training

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"Come on Hyūga, you can do better then that." I said, a grin on my face as I dodged his attacks.

"Oh shut it Sato." He said, his eyes narrowing as he tried to get my chakra points.

He was fast, really fast but I was faster. I jumped behind him, a kunai pressed against his throat as I leaned towards his ear, "I got you."

He sighed and released his stance and turned towards me, his Byakugan deactivated, "You win this time Rime."

"I'll win every time. I need some actual competition. Maybe I should go train with Shikamaru... or Naruto." I said, walking away with my hands behind my head.

"Actually we're all going to bath house. TenTen was the one who suggested it and everyone's going to be there. Except for Lee, he'll be there after he finishes training."

I raised my eyebrow, "And you're telling me this why?"

"You should come, you're always complaining about not being able to make friends. This would be a good time to make some."

I frowned, "I have Hinata, I'm good." 

Neji crossed his arms, "Just come with us."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine but if I catch any of y'all peeping, someone's going to die."
I sighed as I sunk lower into the water, "This feels nice. Neji doesn't go easy on you."

Everyone went silent and I opened my eyes a little bit, seeing everyone looking at me with open mouths and I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You... Neji... what?" Ino asked, her cheeks turning a faint pink.

"I train with Neji a lot. He moves fast. What'd you think I was talking about?"

Sakura stared at me for a moment before shaking her head, "Nothing, we totally knew what you were talking about."

I just shrugged before closing my eyes, relaxing but that didn't last as there was a crash from the roof. I was up and out of the pool, a towel wrapped around me before the dust cleared with the rest of the girls getting out and gathering their towels and clothes.

When the dust cleared there was Rock Lee, laying on the floor with wood surrounding him. I looked up to see a hole in the roof and I frowned, what was he doing on the roof.

Ino grabbed him, "Rock Lee! You pervert!"

Rock Lee started to defend himself, saying he was training when the guys came in, "What's going on?" Neji said and I couldn't help but stare at him. I've never seen him shirtless before and my eyes wondered to his forehead, his mark put there by the main family.

"Rock Lee was peeping on us!" TenTen yelled, pointing at Lee who was still being held by Ino.

"Rock Lee?" Neji asked, looking slightly confused.

"N-Naruto-kun..." Hinata said, her cheeks turning pink as she tried to cover herself more.

I wasn't even paying attention at this point, I was too distracted by Neji until Lee left, running out of the bath house and we all ran after him.

We all had him cornered as he tried telling us he was innocent. Naruto stood in front of him, telling us Lee was innocent and it was going well until Naruto turned around, revealing there was a bra stuck on his towel.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned, seeing Neji and I quickly looked away, not wanting to be distracted again, "That's not yours, is it?" He asked.

I shook my head, "It's-"

"Mine!" Sakura said before beating Naruto.

"Good. If it was yours I would have to kill him."

I looked at him and he gave me a smile and I gasped before looking away, "Hyūga... Neji please put a shirt on."

He looked down and looked back at me, "Right, sorry Rime."
I sighed as I walked through the Hyūga compound. I heard grunts from someone training and I paused, peaking in the training room to see Neji training by himself, shirtless.

My eyes widened and I looked away, backing up and cutting my finger on something sharp from the doorway.

"Shit." I whispered as I looked down, blood running down my finger.

The movement stopped in the room before there was footsteps and the door slid open completely, Neji looking down at me with a frown before it softened into a small smile, "Rime?"

I looked up, "Hey Neji. I came to see Hinata and heard someone in here and I stopped to see who it was, I thought it might've been Hinata."

He shook his head before glancing down, seeing the blood running down my hand and he grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his face, "What happened?"

"I think I cut it on a nail or something. I should go clean it."

I was about to pull away but his grip stopped me and he brought my finger to his mouth, licking the blood off of it while looking me in the eyes.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I looked away, "Ya know that's not sanitary, right?" I muttered.

He laughed before dragging me into the room, "Here let me clean it properly."

"I could have diseases Neji, diseases."

He brought out a little kit he keeps in his pouch and opened it, cleaning the cut before bandaging it. I stared at him as he did it, gently dabbing the blood away before wrapping it, asking if it was too tight.

I shook my head and he finished, putting everything away, "How long are you gonna be here training?"

"I don't know. Why?"

I shrugged and stood up, "Thank you Neji for cleaning my cut." I left, finding Hinata for the sleepover we agreed to do.
I sighed as I heard Hinata's soft snores and stood up, not being able to sleep. I walked through the compound, making my way to the training room. The light was still on and I slid the door open to see Neji still training.

He stopped as I stepped in the room, his chest heaving up and down as he caught his breath, "Rime? What're you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing Neji. You should be asleep, not training."

He wiped sweat off his forehead and I walked up to him, touching the curse mark on his forehead, "A caged bird." I murmured.

He placed his hand over mine, moving it to his cheek, "But some fly freely."

I placed my other hand on his shoulder, feeling his muscles as I leaned up and placed my lips against his. My hand snaked around his neck, tangling itself in his hair as his hands rested on my waist. I pulled the hair tie out of his hair and ran my hand through it as I pulled away, "You should wear your hair down more often, it's nice."

I tugged his hair a bit, a groan leaving his mouth before he backed me up against a wall, pressing against me, "Don't do that." He growled out.

I giggled before tugging his hair again, "What're you gonna do it about Neji?"

He groaned again before kissing me, rougher then last time as he squeezed my hips. That's gonna leave a bruise.

His lips left mine, trailing down my neck and I sighed, "Neji." He made a humming noise against my skin, "I love you."

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