Gaara| Dream

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"Uh Lord Kazekage?" I knocked on the edge of the door, checking in on the fifth Kazekage like Kakashi asked me too.

He looked up, his bright red hair falling into his teal eyes, "Yes?"

"Kaka- uh Lord Hokage asked me to come check on you and your siblings." I said, nodding to the other two individuals in the room, "Is everything alright? Do you need anything?"

Gaara shook his head, "No, we're fine."

His brother, a man with spiky brown hair and purple face paint who looked nothing like Gaara, grinned at me, "What's your name? I've never seen you before."

I felt myself redden, "O- oh I forgot to introduce myself." I bowed, "I'm Haruno Yume, the little sister of Haruno Sakura."

"That explains the pink hair." The brother said before bowing back, "I'm Kankuro." He pointed to his sister, "And that's Temari."

I gasped, "You were the one who was with Shikamaru at Naruto- sama's wedding."

Her face reddened and she looked away, muttering something to herself about a cry baby. Kankuro laughed, "And you already know Gaara."

I bowed again, facing the red haired man, "It's nice to meet you Lord Kazekage."

"And you Haruno Yume." He said in his low voice that made me shiver.

"I'll uh, I'll be with Lord Hokage and Shikamaru- sama if you need me." I bowed again, "Goodbye Lord Kazekage, Kankuro, Temari."

"Bye Yume." Both Kankuro and Temari said.

"Goodbye Haruno Yume." Gaara said and I nodded before leaving.
"Sakura! Yume! Naruto is here for you!" Mom called and I looked at Sakura in confusion, "Naruto's here for me?"

Sakura shrugged, "Who knows what that idiot wants."

We walked down to see Naruto along with Team 10, 8, and what's left of 9. And Gaara with his siblings.

I met Gaara's eyes and looked away quickly, blushing from his gaze.

"Who's up for some Ichiraku Ramen?!" Naruto basically yelled and I was about to decline when my stomach made a very loud growl. Curse Kakashi and Shikamaru for making me help with all the paperwork all day.

I looked at Sakura and shrugged.

"Alright, we're up for it." Sakura said and Naruto cheered before immediately attaching himself to his wife, Hinata.

We followed them throughout the Leaf Village, Shikamaru and Temari sharing glances as they walked together, Naruto talking to everyone all at once as Sakura politely answered Gaara's questions.

My sister had never been the same since Sasuke left the village, always looking forward to every sparse letter that came from him. I've never understood why she would be so hung up on someone since she was six who had barely shown her any sort of interest. But to each their own, I mean I used to have a crush on Shikamaru.

"How are you Yume?" A familiar low voice asked beside me.

"I'm good Lord Kazekage, how are you?"

"I'm better now."

I frowned, "Did you get sick? I told you to come find me if you need anything Lord Kazekage. Naruto would have my head if I let anything happen to you."

He smiled and let out a slight laugh, "No, I wasn't sick. It's just, Naruto has a way of lifting a person's spirits, doesn't he?"

I smiled as I watched Naruto with Hinata and all his friends, smiling and laughing, and nodded, "Yeah he does. That's why he can change the world."

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