Furlan Church| Think About It

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I stood behind my brother, Flagon, as I waited for Commander Shadis to introduce the new recruits him and Captain Erwin had been so secretive about. Rumors had been swirling around the section as to who they were and where they came from. Most agreed they were from The Underground but that's as far as the rumors could agree on.

I buzzed with excitement as murmurs rose throughout the ranks. It was almost time. They were almost here.

I straightened as Commander Shadis arrived, three people in tow. 

"Attention, all!" There was the sound of hundreds of feet shuffling in sync as we straightened up, our hands clasped behind our backs. "Starting from today, these three will be fighting alongside you all! Introduce yourselves!"

My gaze drifted to the new recruits.

"The name's Levi." The shortest of them stated with almost a scowl on his face.

"Levi... the first thing you'll need is some goddamn discipline." I had to stifle my laughter and my brother glanced behind his shoulder, glaring at me. "Next!"

The girl stepped forward, her almost purple hair in pigtails, "I'm Isabel Magnolia! Nice to meetcha!" She seemed energetic, something we need around here.

"My name is Furlan Church." I blinked as the last one stepped up, the familiar male put his fist on his chest in an attempt of our salute.

I've met him once, probably about a year ago. Maybe longer.

I stuck to the shadows of the buildings, not wanting anyone to catch me down here. Which no one probably would. But I knew that it was going to be a pain in the ass trying to get past the guards to get back above ground.

There was laughter and I ducked, watching as some guys walked by.

"Who're we hiding from?"

I jumped, slipping a knife from its sheath on my thigh as I whirled around, sticking it to the throat of whoever was behind me.

He chuckled, his light grey eyes filled with amusement. "You're not from around here." His eyes flickered to the knife at his throat before they darkened, "Part of the military. That's a Scout issued knife."

I tensed, "So?"

He raised an eyebrow, "What's a soldier doing down here, in civilian clothes no less? Got a secret mission or something?"

"No." I looked away, my face flushing at my reason for being down here. "I don't have any papers saying I could come down here. I snuck down and I intend on sneaking back. I just wanted to see what it was like. Without having people stare at me because of a uniform I wear."

"If you lower that knife then I can show ya around."

I narrowed my eyes, pressing my knife harder against his throat as I backed him against a wall. "Why should I trust you? I know you don't trust me just as I don't trust you. So give me one good reason you wouldn't rat me out to some of the MPs just for some quick cash?"

"You've been handing out food to some of the kids. They've been talking about a woman in a cloak all day. That's you, right?"

"... Yeah."

"They're grateful. Not a lot of people show us such kindness."

I looked away, slowly lowering my knife. "It's the best I can do right now. I wish I could do more."

"It's more then what most people do. So, thank you." He gave me a smile and I flushed once again.

"It's nothing."

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