Bill Weasley| Wedding pt. 2

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I walked through the cottage, staring at everything. It seemed peaceful. The kind of place that bad things wouldn't follow you to. Safe.

Bill closed the door, "There's wards up. Should be enough to keep them out. The wards know who to let in. Especially if they've been here before."

I turned to Bill, in his wedding robes, hair a mess from the ocean wind and eyes alert, "So this is really happening. I really can't go back home. Not for awhile at least."

He nodded, "I'm sorry Cassandra. I feel like this is my fault."

I shook my head, "No no, it's fine. I'm just mainly concerned about everyone else who was there. Your family, Hermione, Fleur. I just want to know if their safe."

"I know. I'm sure we'll find out soon."

I nodded and then continued my walkthrough of Shell Cottage. Light colors were everywhere along with shells that I suppose came from the beach. I walked upstairs where all the bedrooms seemed to be.

When I came back down, Bill was in the kitchen, making tea. I watched him from the doorway as he moved back and forth.

"This used to be my aunt's. Mum and dad brought us here every summer."

"It's beautiful. Perfect if you don't like people."

He chuckled and pulled down two mugs, "Yes it is. Fleur and I was going to come here after our wedding." He turned around with a small smile, "Of course that's obviously not going to happen."

I frowned, "I feel like that's my fault. If we hadn't been dancing then you would've been with Fleur and it would've been her here, not me."

"Well I don't regret it. I trust Fleur that she can protect herself but you're a muggle. Everything was in chaos and who knows where you would've ended up. I like knowing that you're safe."

I just nodded, trying to ignore my pounding heart.

The next week went by with me worrying over everyone which Bill assured me that they're fine or else we would've known by now. I've taken to going out on the beach a lot, enjoying the water as it lapped at my feet.

This was where I was when Bill joined me, "Hey."

"Hey." I said quietly, looking out at the horizon.

"Something wrong?"

I shook my head, "No. I just like coming out here. It's so different from London. Not crowded. Not rainy. Peaceful."

"It is peaceful. That's why I wanted to live here."

We stayed silent, watching the ocean. I could tell Bill was getting restless which seemed to happen a lot the last couple of days.

"Is something wrong Bill?"

I looked over at him and he looked surprised for a minute, "Um no. Why?"

"You've just been getting restless. I thought something might be wrong."

"The full moon's tonight."

I raised an eyebrow, "Um yes?"

He pointed to the scars lining his cheek, "These are werewolf scratches. He wasn't in his werewolf form whenever he scratched me so I'm not a werewolf but I do have some werewolf tendencies like having a liking for raw steaks. I also get very restless around the full moon. I won't be able to sleep tonight because of it."

So that's how he got those scars, "Did it hurt?"

He laughed, "Blood hell, that was the worst pain I've ever felt and I've been encased in ice before."

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