Naruto Uzumaki| Pretty Eyes*

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Warning: Some language

I hummed to myself as I made my way home, running as fast as I could. As I ran I glanced over at the park, wishing I could stop and play but I needed to get home for dinner.

I slowed as I noticed someone on the swings. They weren't even swinging, just sitting, staring down at their feet.

I cocked my head before circling around behind him, sneaking my way to his side.

"Hello." I leaned down, looking at the boy's face. He looked so... sad. "What're you doing here? Don't you know it's time for dinner? Your parents must be worried."

"I... I don't have parents." The boy mumbled.

"Then you can have mine." I grinned at him, "I'm going to be late for dinner. Would you wanna come with me? My parents love when I bring friends over."

"I have no friends."

"Then we can be friends. I'm Kana Fujiwara."

The boy slowly lifted his head to look at me, his blue eyes sad and droopy looking. "Naruto Uzumaki."

"We're friends now. And now you can come over and have dinner with my family." I grabbed his hands, pulling him up from the swing and pulling him behind me, "We're having ramen!"

I pulled Naruto all the way to my house, our footsteps thundering up the steps to the hallway that lead to the kitchen and dining room.

"Mom! Dad! I brought a friend over for dinner!" I yelled as I hastily took my shoes off, Naruto following my lead.

My mom glanced at us from the doorway where she was wiping her hands on her apron. "That's good, the more the merrier." She looked at Naruto behind me, "I don't think I've met this friend before."

"I just met him! His name is Naruto Uzumaki and he said he doesn't have any parents so I told him he could have mine! Man, I'm starving." I barreled past mom, into the dining room where dad was serving ramen into bowls.

"Well Naruto is certainly welcome here." I watched as mom crouched, pinching Naruto's cheek. "You remember that Naruto, we will always welcome you here."
I walked past the park, the sky turning dark. Many days you could find Naruto here, around this time, on the swings. I looked towards the park just as I picked up some voices.

"He's just an orphan." There was laughter and someone else said, "A dumb orphan."

I frowned as I entered the park. I saw Naruto and two other boys. They were laughing as they pushed Naruto around.

"Hey! Leave Naruto alone!" I yelled as I ran to them.

"Mind your own business, runt." One of the boys said and I immediately swung on him.

"You mind your own business, asshole!" I immediately turned on the other one, swinging on him too. I was surprised Naruto didn't speak up for himself, he was always so outspoken when it came to others being bullied. Like how he helped Hinata the other day, when we enrolled at the Ninja Academy. However, he wasn't as good at fighting as I was.

"C'mon Naruto, let's go home. We're having your favorite." I turned, grabbing Naruto and leading him away from the bullies who were clutching their faces.

"You didn't have to do that. I had it handled." He pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure you did. I just sped up the process a little bit. Now hurry up before the ramen grows cold." I started running, Naruto's footsteps following me.
For many years, I was one of Naruto's only friends. He had made some during the academy, like Choji, Shikamaru, and Kiba but that was because they often got into trouble too along with Naruto. At the end of the day, I was the one Naruto sought out and often we went to my house for dinner. Sometimes I would even stay with him in his apartment. It was a mess though.

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