Dabi| Coffee

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Daiksuke also known as D: She thinks of the League of Villians as the family she's never had.

Quirk: Levitation

Age: 19
I scrunched my nose up as I walked into the bar. It smelt like coffee. "I don't see how you can drink any of that shit. It tastes terrible."

Kurogiri turned his body towards me from behind the bar counter, "Is there something else you would want Daiksuke?"

"Nah, I picked something up on the way here." I held up an energy drink that I bought.

"Those are worse for you than coffee."

My eyes landed on Dabi and I stuck my tongue out at him, "At least I don't drink that shit."

He gave me a smile, lifting his cup up to his half scarred lips, "I love my coffee black like my soul and hot just like me."

"And I like my coffee like how I like Dabi. I hate it." I snorted at that and went to go by him to get to Kurogiri.

His arm shot out and wrapped around my waist, stopping me. "I believe I could change your mind." He whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and levitated his cup out of his hand, "Choose your next actions carefully Dabi or else your coffee gets it."

His hand tightened around my waist and I shook my head, "Wrong move Dabi."

I was about to throw the coffee against the wall whenever his arm disappeared from my waist. "Alright, alright. I surrender, just give me my coffee back."

I stepped away from Dabi before levitating his cup back into his hand. "Pleasure doing business with ya Dabi. Let's not do that again."

I joined Kurogiri behind the counter to get me some sugar packets and I looked up at Dabi. Underneath the dim barroom lighting he didn't look half bad with his dark spiky hair casting shadows across his face that made his turquoise eyes stand out even more.

He looked up, meeting my eyes with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked down, gathering all the sugar packets I could before standing up.

"What the hell are you gonna do with all those sugar packets?" Dabi asked.

"Eat them, duh." I left the counter and waved to Kurogiri, "Bye Kurogiri."

"Hey, what about me?" Dabi gave me a smile and I could feel myself falling for his sociopathic charm.

"Bye person I have an extreme dislike for and would rather not know."

"Bye sweetheart."

I levitated a nearby chair and threw it at him, crashing it against the wall near his head. "Never call me that again."

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