Deidara| Sunset

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I frowned as I followed the enigmatic Tobi as he pulled me throughout the hideout, "Where are you taking me Tobi?"

"Tobi taking you somewheres fun Ena-chan! Trust Tobi!"

I just shook my head, "Fine Tobi, as long as it won't get me killed."

We stopped outside a door and Tobi banged on it, "Deidara-senpai! Tobi wants you to come out and play!"

There was a muffled go away but Tobi persisted until the door slammed open and revealed an angry, shirtless Deidara, "What do you want Tobi?!" His eyes widened when he saw me and I gave him a little smile.

"Tobi wants all three of us to play!"

I placed a hand on Tobi's arm, "Tobi, I'm sorry but I just remembered that me and Deidara have plans. But I promise, we will play with you next time."

"Hey wait!" I placed a hand over Deidara's mouth, silencing him.

"I'm so sorry Tobi but I promise you we'll make it up to you." I pushed Deidara into his room, all the while profusely apologizing to Tobi before slamming the door closed.

I sighed and leaned against the door, "I was not ready for that today."

Deidara crossed his arms and I noticed some symbols on the left of his chest along with some stitches, "And what're you still doing here un?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm hiding out obviously. I did tell Tobi that me and you had something to do so don't be so mad blondie."

He just shook his head and went to a desk covered in clay and sat down with a lamp on, messing with the clay. I walked up behind him, watching him work in fascination, "How does it work?"

He looked up at me, "You want to learn about my art un?"

I nodded, "How do you make it work?"

He grinned, "I infuse chakra into the clay using one of my mouths," he held up one hand, revealing the mouth on the palm, "and mold it. Then when I need to I can make it explode. It's an earth jutsu un."

"Darn it, I won't be able to use it then." I had fire and air nature chakra, "But it is really cool."

"It's the best form of art. It's true art. Art is an explosion! An instant! And then it's gone. That is true art. None of that eternal bullshit that Sasori-danna spouts about un." Deidara was never passionate about anything except his art.

I stepped back a little with a small smile, "You know Dei, that can be debatable." I saw he was about to get worked up and I held up a hand, "Before you go crazy on me, hear me out."

He scowled at me before sighing, "Fine."

"Ok so art. Everyone has differences in opinion on what art is. You think it's fleeting. Sasori thinks it's eternal. Some people can look at a banana and think its art and some can look at an extravagant painting of a sunset and think it's art. Art is anything anyone wants it to be Dei. Don't you see?" I pointed out his window where the sun was setting, casting shadows over everything while some of the clouds looked edible, "That's art Deidara. It's fleeting yet eternal. It happens everyday yet everyday it's never the same. That sunset is one of a kind, just like each of your explosions. Yet it will happen again and again."

Deidara started out his window until the sky turned dark, "So that was art huh? Fleeting yet eternal?"

I nodded, "That was art Dei." There was silence, "Hey Dei?"


"What about love? Do you think love is like art, an explosion and then it's gone?"

He turned to me, "What?"

"Is love, to you, fleeting or eternal?"

"I don't believe in love un."

My mouth parted, "Oh." I turned around and flopped on his bed, "Well I think love can be both fleeting and eternal. Sometimes at the same time, like a sunset."

"What's up with you and sunsets un?"

I shrugged, "I dunno. I just like them. They're pretty. And they symbolize an ending. It's the end to a day but that just means a new day is right around the corner. I like endings."

"Most people would say they like beginnings better then endings un."

"Do you?"

There was silence and I sat up, watching Deidara as he watched me, "I like things just being. But I'm not opposed to beginnings I guess."

I smiled, "Just being, that's nice." I gestured him towards me, "Come here Dei."

He walked to the edge of his bed, standing between my legs, "What?"

"I want to kiss you." I whispered, pulling Deidara down. Deidara's hands were on the bed, at either of my sides and I started at him, looking for a confirmation.

His eye darkened and he leaned forward, placing his lips on mine. He was gentle at first before deepening it, placing his hands on my sides, his mouths licking my skin.

I shivered and pulled away as Deidara started placing kisses down my neck, "Dei."

"Hm?" He was still kissing my neck, occasionally sucking on it.

"I like you. I really like you."

He stilled before looking up at me, a small smile on his face, "Good." He grabbed my thighs, lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso, "'Cause you're my sunset un."

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