Mirio Togata| Sucker

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Setsuko Yaoyorozu: The twin sister of Momo Yaoyorozu, they have the same Quirk. Setsuko doesn't strive to be as knowledgeable as her sister and quite frankly doesn't like how rich their family is. She choses to have the most meager possessions and if she really needs something then she will make it herself.

Quirk: Creation

Age: 16
I bumped into someone who was tall, way taller then me. "Oh I'm sorry." I backed up, looking at who I bumped into.

He had blond hair that was styled slightly like he had a mullet and blue, pupil less eyes. He gave me a bright smile, "It's okay, I should've been paying more attention."

I gave him a slight smile before hurrying by him, "Well bye, I'm sorry again."

I hurried to class 1-A, silently cursing my sister for not waking me up. I slid the door open breathlessly, hurrying to my seat behind my sister.

"Momo," I hissed, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I tried, it's not my fault you're a heavy sleeper."

I growled, slumping down into my seat. The door slid open again and Mr. Aizawa came in, three students following him.

I blinked as I recognized one of them as the blond I had ran into just a few minutes ago. "Class, let me introduce you to the Big 3." Mr. Aizawa stuffed his hands in his pockets, leaving the students to themselves.

The blond had his tongue stuck out the corner of his mouth as stopped in front of us. The girl, she had blue hair, looked overly happy to be here and the other boy looked like he was about to die.

"Introduce yourself." The girl slapped the dying boy on the shoulder. He started muttering to himself before turning around and shoving his face to the wall. I felt bad as I watched his whole body shake.

The blond introduced himself by saying a dorky joke.

"Pfft!" I covered my mouth as I tried to keep myself from laughing. No one else was laughing. Truthfully it shouldn't be funny but I couldn't help but laugh. I looked up to see him watching me with a smile and I quickly averted my eyes.

"I want to fight all of you at once!"

My mouth dropped open as I stared at the blond. He wants to fight all of us? Is he crazy? He must be insane.

Most of my classmates were up for it, especially Bakugou. I stayed in the back with my sister as we waited for Mirio to start. "Is this man crazy?"

"Most likely."

I watched him warily, waiting to see what he would do. It was like he had disappeared with only his clothes where he was. Does that mean he's naked? My face heated up at that thought as I tried to be on guard for him.

He popped up seemingly out of no where and in a blink of an eye defeated almost half the class. He tried to keep his pants with him as he fought but he wasn't doing a very good job at it. I tried to keep my guard up but it was hard whenever he just disappeared and appeared randomly.

"Boo." There was a whisper behind me and I screamed as I whirled around, my fist swinging before I even thought about it.

"Ow." Mirio touched his jaw, his pants momentarily forgotten. "That's the first hit someone's landed on me. Good job."

"P-p-pants." I tried to keep my eyes from wondering past his chest before I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Oh." He let out a laugh and there was rustling, "Sorry about that."

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