Kakashi Hatake| Look After Each Other

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"Akane Uchiha!"

I jolted, my dark eyes alert as I scanned my surroundings. My sensei stood in front of me, looking exasperated as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Did you even hear a word I said?"

I smiled sheepishly, "No sir."

He rolled his eyes, muttering something about Uchiha's and their egos. "Your teammates can fill you in. I'm done with this."

The three teenagers sweat dropped as they watched their sensei leave. "He... he can't actually do that right?" The shortest of them, Akira, asked as she pointed to their sensei's retreating back.

"Technically, I don't think he can. Unfortunately, he decided he can." Their team's de facto leader, Haru, shook his head as he pushed his glasses up, "Does he really expect us to do this mission by ourselves?"

"Guess so. So what is it?" I stared at my teammates expectedly, hoping for some suggestions.

"Well we were supposed to escort someone of high rank to some village on the border of the Land of Rain. But we can't do it without Sensei."

I nodded, "We should tell the Hokage so it can be reassigned to a full team."

"Right." My teammates nodded and we left, going to the Hokage building.
I was busy tying my dark hair in a loose bun on top of my head as I walked, hearing shouts from someone before seeing familiar figures round the corner.

"Oi! Obito, what do you think you're doing?" I placed my hands on my hips as I stared at my younger sibling.

"A-ane." Obito fidgeted as he stood next to his teammates, his sensei not around.

"Was you arguing with Kakashi-kun again?"

"N-no." I knew Obito was lying by the blush spreading across his cheeks.

I rolled my eyes, "Arguing with your teammates isn't good Obito. Now we need to go, grandma wants us home for dinner." I turned to Kakashi, always surprised that the younger ninja covered his face. "Goodnight Kakashi-kun."

"Goodnight Akane-san, Obito." Kakashi walked past us, his chakra blade bouncing against his back as he left.

"He's such a good kid."

"Good?! He called you his equal!" Obito clenched his fist at Kakashi's back.

"Because he is my equal. We took the chunin exams together Obito. Now, if you don't want to feel like Kakashi's inferior anymore then do something about about it. You've gotten this far Obi, you can go farther. I believe in you." I held my fist out which Obito begrudgingly accepted.

"Thanks ane."

I laughed as I ruffled his spiky hair, "Anytime Obito."
I aimlessly walked around the village, my teammates off on a mission without me at the Hokage's request. Obito was off with Rin somewhere which left hardly anything for me to do.

"Oi! Kakashi-kun!" I smiled at the silver haired who turned at the sound of my voice.

"Oh, hello Akane-san."

"Say, would you want to train together?" I bounced on the balls of my feet, angsty to be doing something besides just walking around the village.

"Yeah, sure." The younger nin shrugged and I jumped in excitement.

I felt exhilarated as I danced around Kakashi, avoiding his attacks thanks to my Sharingan, something my brother hasn't unlocked yet.

"Obito tells me you've been working on a jutsu. Mind showing it to me?"

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