Kakashi Hatake| A Book and A Mask

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[Modern AU]

"Have you seen the new English teacher?"

I look up from my food with a bored look, "Nope, I don't have that until after lunch."

Ryo and River share a look, "Just wait till you see him." Ryo said.

The bell rang and I look at her with narrow eyes, "The last time you said that, the teacher was overweight and you could hear him breathing from across the classroom."

River giggles, "He's far from overweight." And with a flick of her brown hair, her and Ryo were gone.

I rolled my eyes as I picked up my trash along with theirs because I'm such a nice friend. Honestly, why do I even bother hanging out with them? All they think about is boys, clothes, boys, clothes, and more boys. And they leave their trash everywhere, thinking the world is supposed to stop and pick it up for them.

I huffed as I threw it all away and tried not to bump into anyone while I made my way to my English class, wondering what the new teacher would look like. Maybe he'd have purple hair and piercings, that would be cool. Or he'd wear those cardigans with elbow patches and glasses. Or he could look like a regular dude. That'd be nice too.

I walked in, everyone looking excited for a minute before realizing it was just me and going back to talking. Way to make a person feel welcome.

I made my way to the back where I could go unnoticed by almost everyone except for that blonde kid, Naruto. He was always going up to people, asking them questions and being generally nosy. Him and Sasuke get into it a lot with Sakura trying to get them to stop. I don't even see why she tries, they both have minds of their own.

Fifteen minutes go by without a sign of the teacher and everyone started talking about leaving, saying we were legally allowed to leave and I'm not even sure if that's true or not but it does look like the new teacher is not coming. So just as everyone starts gathering up their things, preparing to leave the door opens, revealing a tall, silver haired man with a... mask covering his face?

Everyone pauses, staring at the muscular man that most certainly was not like our last teacher as his eyes crinkle at the edges from a hidden smile, "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life." And just like that, this man became my favorite teacher.

He walked into the classroom, leaning against his desk as he stared at us and I noticed through some of his silver bangs that he has a scar running down his left eye, "My names Kakashi Hatake and I'm your new English teacher due to an unfortunate accident involving a swivel chair with your previous teacher."

I heard some people snicker at this which caused Mr. Hatake to narrow his eyes at them, "Is there something funny?"

The people, mainly a brown haired boy, stopped and shook their heads and Mr. Hatake nodded, "Good. Now let's take out Romeo and Juliet."
One Week Later
"So, what have we learned from Romeo and Juliet?" Mr. Hatake looked at us expectantly. I never knew so much emotion could be expressed by just using the eyes since we rely so much on the rest of our face to show it.

"To not fake die and then actually die?" Kiba said and some of his friends laughed around him.

Mr. Hatake rolled his eyes, "Yes okay, that is one thing Mr. Inuzuka. Does anyone else have anything to say?" Everyone remained silent, looking at each other and he sighed, "Did no one understand this? No one?"

I paused before I hesitantly raised my hand. He smiled, I could tell from the way his eyes crinkled, "Yes Miss Takeda?"

"Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare's way of saying love conquers all. They were supposed to hate each other, their families hated each other so why should they be any different? But they loved each other from the start and with their dying breath, their love conquered their families hatred." I held Mr. Hatake's eyes the whole time, not paying attention to my classmates whom have never heard me speak before.

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