Hitoshi Shinso| Sports Festival

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Mai Numakura: She has always been attracted to outcasts, wanting to be their friend. She started dating Neito Monoma in middle school but didn't like how high school had changed him, especially towards her class. In the Bakusquad.

Quirk: Plasma. It's almost like Momo's Quirk, she can create things including "people" using what I call plasma. It has a purple-ish tint to whatever she makes.

Age: 15
"Huh? What are the General Studies kids doing here?" I perked up at Uraraka's voice and turned to see Bakugou glaring at a bunch of students gathered at our door.

They're probably here because the sports festival is nearing. I peeked over Bakugou's shoulder as he growled, "Move it extras."

I hesitantly placed a hand on my friend's shoulder, trying to calm him. "Let's not do this right now Bakugou." I mumbled.

Some of the students were moved, a boy with wild purple hair pushing his way through the crowd. He looked sleep deprived with bags underneath his eyes and he looked down, scratching the back of his neck, "This is class 1-A? I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass."

I frowned a little bit as Bakugou became angrier at the purple haired boy.

"Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I came to let you know that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right out from underneath you. Consider this a declaration of war." The purple haired boy never even introduced himself.

I watched him walk away as a silver haired boy came up from class 1-B, Tetsutetsu, and him and Bakugou started arguing. My heart quickened as I saw my boyfriend come up but quickly went away at his cold words to my classmates. I shook my head, I've always hated Neito's grudge against my class.

Bakugou huffed and left, the crowd parting for him and I smiled and quickly joined my hand with Neito's, looking up at the blond. "I've missed you Neito."

"Yeah, yeah I've missed you too." He grumbled and I felt my happiness drop a little.

"Let's go." I kept a smile on my face and tugged him away, trying to forget everything him and his classmate said.
The closer the sports festival came, the farther away Neito felt. It was like his hatred for my class was clouding over his feelings for me. Every time I saw him, he became increasingly short with me.

I blinked as Neito shouted at me, telling me to leave him alone. "Yeah... yeah okay." I leaned up, my lips brushing his ear, "I hope Bakugou beats your ass."

He spluttered and I turned, walking away from him. "Hey, get back here Mai. Mai!"

I raised both of my hands, flipping him off as I continued walking down the hallway. I heard a soft laugh and I looked to see familiar wild purple hair.

"Hey, you're the one from the other day. The one who declared war on Bakugou." I looked at his purple eyes, finally noticing his pupils were white instead of black.

"Actually I was declaring war on class 1-A as a whole. That includes you."

I frowned a little. "Why does everyone hate my class so much? It's not our fault we got attacked." I muttered.

I heard footsteps and I looked to see Neito running towards me. I rolled my eyes before holding my hand up, making a barrier that blocked the whole hallway. I watched as he pounded against it and I sighed, "Well it looks like he's taking it well."

"What'd you do? Break up with him?" I watched as the purple haired boy stuffed his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall.

"Well sort of. He told me to leave him alone so I'm going to. I also might've told him that I hoped Bakugou beats his ass. So yeah, I broke up with him." I could feel my barrier weakening. "Well I'll see you at the festival. I hope you do well." I dashed down the hallway after waving bye to the mysterious, sleep deprived boy.
I followed my class out into the arena, the crowd going crazy. I heard Present Mic's voice announcing us and I tried to steel my nerves. I was one of the top students in my class but I truthfully didn't feel like it.

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