Shota Aizawa| New Year's Kiss

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Sachiko Hattori: Works as a teacher at UA, she helps All Might a lot. Wishes she knew what it was like to be drunk.

Quirk: Drunk. When she kisses someone, the spit that enters the other person's mouth has a chemical that blocks the brain's signals which results in them being drunk. Due to her Quirk, she cannot get drunk herself.

Age: 26
I sighed as I walked around Yamada's place, a solo cup full of clear liquid that smelt alcoholic with a hint of cranberry. The cranberry vodka was left over from the Christmas party that we had not even a week ago at Kayama's place.

I pressed myself against the wall as someone stumbled by me, a hand over their mouth as they went towards the bathroom. I had no clue who that was, probably some stray that Yamada had found and invited. Must not know how to hold their liquor.

I sighed, sipping on the vodka that burned as it slid down my throat. I had hoped I would've been wasted by now, passed out on the floor or couch so I wouldn't have to hear everyone counting down towards midnight and seeing people kiss each other. It was so gross.

"Not having fun?"

I shrugged at Aizawa's deep voice, "I wish I was drunker." I watched the gambling ring that had been set up in Yamada's dining room, the loud hero's voice becoming louder the more inebriated he became. It seemed he was probably going to lose all his money to Kayama.

"Then you should probably start drinking that cup that's in your hand."

I glanced at Aizawa, I had noticed he hadn't touched a single drop of alcohol all night. "What about you? How come you're not drunk like everyone else?" I pointed my chin to our coworkers who were in varying stages of drunkness.

"Someone needs to stay sober." His dark eyes surveyed the room before finding mine.

"It's almost time!" Someone yelled out, almost everyone's attention now being drawn to the television where a celebration was being broadcasted.

I threw my cup back, the rest of the vodka burning my throat as I swallowed but I still was sober. I hated that. I hated that no matter what I did, I could never get drunk. I'll never be able to just forget for a while.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year's!" Everyone, who was still awake in the apartment, shouted together as they waited for fireworks to go off. Some grabbed their partners, kissing them as little pops went off on the tv and in real life.

"Kiss me." Aizawa's eyes had never left mine and I was taken aback by what he said. If I hadn't known better then I would've thought that he was drunk.

I shook my head, "Aizawa, you know better then that."

He placed his hands on my hips, his skin warm against my bared stomach. "Please Hattori."

His face neared mine and I stuttered, "M-my Quirk."

He shook his head, "I don't care about your Quirk. I just want to kiss you." He ran a hand down my face, brushing his thumb against my bottom lip and I caved.

"Fine. But don't you dare regret this in the morning." I muttered and I saw his mouth quirk into a smile before I leaned up, my mouth barely brushing against his.

He chased after my lips, leaning down as he pulled me into him. I closed my eyes as our lips moved against each other and I sincerely hoped that he would not regret this in the morning.

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