Ryoma Terasaka| Flustered

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I glanced up from my book as someone cleared their throat, their shadow casting across my desk as they stood next to it. Yuma Isogai, our class's male rep and president, stood at my desk with a small, apologetic smile as he tapped his fingers against the wood.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Komada, but I was wondering if you could help with something."

I raised an eyebrow as I laid my book down on my desk, "Something?" I was wondering if by "something" he was talking about an assassination attempt.

He nodded. "Yes. Koro-sensei is hosting a small study session after school with a couple of students who asked for help and he asked if you and I could help too."

I could smell an assassination plan in the works and I gave him a smile as I nodded. "Of course."

It wasn't long before the last bell of the day rang and majority of my classmates left with only five of us left. Koro-sensei had left to go get some things from the teacher's lounge and we took the time to lay some boobytraps around the room but we didn't have much time. These boobytraps wouldn't be enough to kill him and we all knew that but wouldn't say anything about it. We were basically playing around.

"Hey, uh, Komada?"

I turned to see Muramatsu and Yoshida behind me. Muramatsu looked awkward as he stared down at me, rubbing the back of his head as he averted his eyes.

"Can you help me with something?" Lately, Muramatsu had started coming to the extra lessons Koro-sensei held and I could tell a difference in how he viewed his test scores since he seemed more happy when he received a test. He actually started putting in effort.

"Of course." I gave him a bright smile, "What do you need help with?"

Even though we were going to use this as an excuse to assassinate our teacher, we were actually going to study too and ask Koro-sensei for help. Since he became our teacher, the majority of us were actually receiving better test scores and actually enjoyed learning. But there was still some of us who didn't view Koro-sensei in a kind light. Mainly Ryoma Terasaka.
I hummed to myself as I walked back to the school building. I had stepped outside for a second as Koro-sensei and Yoshida fawned over the wooden bike that Koro-sensei had made. It was one of the reasons that Yoshida's grades had went up, because Koro-sensei could talk with him about his interests. Koro-sensei could talk to us about all of our interests.

I paused for a second to adjust the books I was carrying and heard raised voices. I cocked my head as I listened, trying to see if I could pinpoint the location. I followed the voices and peeked around a tree to see Terasaka and Muramatsu.

Terasaka was going off on Muramatsu because Muramatsu was happy about a test score. I frowned as I listened to them. It wasn't right. Terasaka shouldn't project his own unhappiness onto others, especially others who're supposed to his friends.

I gasped as I saw him push Muramatsu into the tree.

"Hey!" I stepped out from the tree, catching Terasaka and Muramatsu's attention. Terasaka looked angry as he stared down at me, his pale green eyes narrowed as he clenched his fist.

"What do you want?" He asked gruffly. Normally anyone else would've been terrified of him but I wasn't. I probably should've been but I knew he wouldn't do anything to me.

"I want you to lay off Muramatsu. Just because you don't like Koro-sensei doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Sure, we're going to have to kill him before the end of the school year but that doesn't mean we can't utilize the chance he's given us to better ourselves. He's giving us a chance to become better and some of us actually like that." I took a deep breath as I glared up at him.

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