Remus Lupin| Chocolate and Roses

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I walked in front of Lily and Marlene, well I was more like skipping in front of them. I had my arms out, enjoying the feel of the coldness on my cheeks and the snowflakes brushing them, making them pink. I laughed, feeling the snow crunch underneath my Converse.

"H- how are you not f- f- freezing?" Lily called out, shivering from the cold and buried herself further into her Gryffindor scarf.

I looked down at my clothes, a T-shirt, leather jacket, pants, and Converse and shrugged, "The cold never bothered me anyways." I sang and Marlene rolled her eyes, "Here we go again." She muttered.

I continued to skip down Hogsmeade's snowy street, singing Let It Go to the top of my lungs, "LET IT GOOOOO LET IT GOOOOO CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!"

I heard clapping and I looked up to see the Marauders watching me. I bowed, "Thank you, thank you. I'm honored." I straightened up, "Wait no, you're the ones who should be honored. Not everyone gets to hear my amazing singing voice." I said with a smirk.

James Potter nudged Sirius Black, "Looks like you've got some competition in the ego department mate."

Sirius snorted, "Please, my ego is way bigger than hers. She's got a baby ego compared to mine."

My smirk remained on my face as I approached Sirius, a extra swing in my hips, "Oh really? Is that a challenge I hear Black?"

Sirius grinned as he moved some of his black hair out of his face, "It might be Mendora."

I raised an eyebrow but before I could say anything, Lily came up behind me, grabbing my arm, "Come on Cassi, you promised to go to Honeydukes with us."

James' face lit up, "Evans, care to join us at The Three Broomsticks?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Didn't you just hear me Potter? I said we were going to Honeydukes."

"Well then can I join you lovely ladies in Honeydukes?"

"No." Lily tugged on my arm.

I gave the boys a two fingered salute as Lily tugged me down the road, "See you boys later." I pointed at Sirius, "We'll finish this later Black." And the last of them I saw was Remus Lupin looking back at me with a slight smile before we turned a corner to Honeydukes.

Lily shook her head as she pulled me into Honeydukes, "Honestly, why can't he get it into his thick skull that I do not and will not ever go out with him?"

I smiled at her as I leaned against a candy filled shelf, "Honestly, why does it bother you so much? If I was you and didn't like him, like not even the slightest bit, then I wouldn't worry about it. I wouldn't question it and I wouldn't get so worked up over it." I booped her nose, "Like you're getting right now Lils."

She swatted my hand away and turned her red face away, "I do not like Potter in the slightest and I'm not getting worked up over it."

Marlene snorted from beside me, "Tell that to your red face."

Lily glared at us, "You would get worked up too if he asked you out everyday, a hundred times a day."

We followed her around Honeydukes as she angrily grabbed candy, "Aha! So you do admit that he gets you worked up!" I exclaimed, grabbing multiple chocolate bars.

Marlene shrugged, "Maybe if you just went on one date with him then he'd stop? And you could act atrocious on the date so he'd never want to speak to you again."

Lily turned around, her red hair flying, "Never! Never will I go on a date with James Fleamont Potter!"

I frowned, "His middle name is Fleamont?"

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