Remus Lupin| Scars

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The girl with the blue hair stared at the brown haired boy intensely.

"Just tell me what it is Remus, I want to help."

Remus had avoided her almost all week and she just wanted to know why. She needed to know if he didn't like her anymore because she didn't want to waste anymore of her heart on someone who doesn't care.

"Do you not like me anymore?" She whispered.

Remus Lupin's eyes widened as he quickly shook his head, "No! No Allison, it's not like that. I just... I'm just going though something right now."

Allison grabbed his hands, squeezing them, "Tell me what it is Remus. Please."

He stared at her before sighing, "Fine."

He took his hands from hers and rolled up his sleeves, revealing scars, new and old, littering them.

She looked down at them before looking back at him, "What happened?"

"Once a month, during the full moon, I change. And I become a monster."

It only took Allison a second before she realized what he meant. He turns into a werewolf. Which explains all the absences over the years.

She ran a hand up his arm, noticing the way he flinched, "Oh honey, you're not a monster."

He looked surprised, "Y-you don't think I'm a monster?"

She shook her head before lowering her head down to his arm, gently placing her lips to one of his scars. He shivered as her lips trailed up his arm, kissing every scar on there.

She made her way up his other arm before placing a kiss on the scar on his cheek and then the one trailing across his nose. She stopped for a second before kissing his lips softly.

"I could never think you're a monster Remus."

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