Draco Malfoy| Choices

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Warning: some language.

I walked through the small hallway of the Hogwarts Express, the train's movement making me sway with it to avoid falling over. I grabbed one of the doors in an attempt to stay upright, making it slide open on accident.

The occupants stared at me and I stared at the redhead sitting next to the window, "Ron?"

The young Weasley's face lit up as he smiled, "Ari!"

I stumbled into the compartment, my cheeks burning as I glanced at Ron's friends. "Sorry to intrude. Mind if I stay here a bit? It seems I'm not the most graceful at the moment."

"When are you ever graceful?"

I glared at Ron, "Mind your manners Weasley. Don't make me tell Fred and George to beat you up." I looked to the boy I was sitting beside of, "Sorry about Ron's manners since he obviously isn't going to introduce us. I'm Ariana Wilson but you can call me Ari." I offered a hand which the brunette boy shook.

"Harry Potter."

I gave him a smile, "Nice to meet ya Harry. And you are?" I turned to the girl in front of me with bushy hair.

"Hermione Granger." She spoke a little haughtily but I could overlook that. Most first years do until they realize they don't know everything.

"Nice to meet ya. As you heard, I'm Ari. I'm on the Gryffindor quidditch team, I play chaser. That's how I know Ron, through his brothers Fred and George. I hope y'all have a good first year." I got up and slid the door open, giving them a two fingered salute before continuing down the train.

I had almost made it to the compartment with Fred, George, and Lee when someone ran into me.


I blinked as I looked down at the first year who ran into me. He had odd blond hair and a face that looked punchable. "Someone needs to teach you some manners."

He scoffed, "If anyone here needs manners, it's you."

I rolled my eyes as I went to move past him, "Move kid."

I heard him gasp behind me and I continued going. Can't wait for that kid to be knocked down a couple notches.
"Malfoy, Draco!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out in the Great Hall as she read from a large scroll. I groaned as I recognized the blond haired kid from the train as he walked with overconfidence to the Sorting Hat.

"You know that-"

"Kid Ari?" Fred and George asked in their usual twin tandem.

"Yeah, he ran into me on the train and acted like it was my fault." I muttered, "Little jerk face."

"Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat yelled out and there was a huge applause from the Slytherin table as the blond haired kid, Draco, grinned as he made his way to it. I groaned, why do I have a feeling that he's going to be a pain in the ass?
"Hello Harry, Hermione, and Ron." I flopped into the chair in front of them, my muscles aching from quidditch practice and all the running Oliver's made me do.

"Hello." They all said in unison.

I raised an eyebrow, "Something wrong?"

"Draco Malfoy." Hermione tilted her chin, "He almost caused us to get detention. And I loath detention."

"If Draco gives you anymore trouble, just tell me and I'll deal with him." I gave them a wink before getting up, planning on running down to Hagrid's.

I had just gotten outside, birds chirping as they flew around and I tugged my Gryffindor sweater closer to me, the cold getting to me.

"Oh look, it's a mudblood."

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