Jean Kirschtein| Horse Face

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I placed my hands behind my head as I followed my fellow comrades out to the dirt field where we spared- goofed off was more like it though. I heard a scoff behind me and I turned to see Eren staring at our sparing in disgust.

I laughed before looking over at Jean who seemed to actually be trying as Eren decided to spar with Annie. She's good, better then most of us at least.

"Hey Horse Face." I called out, smirking as I walked up to Jean. He stopped sparing with whoever it was that I didn't know and turned to me, a tick on his forehead.

"What do you want?"

"Spar with me." I grinned as I held my fists up.

His brown eyes narrowed before he inclined his head. "Fine."

I shifted my feet as he immediately went in to punch me which I dodged to the side, lifted my hand up and used my palm to push up his nose.

"Damnit Olivia." He clutched his nose as he stumbled a little. I lowered myself to the ground, sweeping my leg and forcing him off his feet.

He grunted as he landed on his butt, a cloud of dust puffing up around him.

"Come on Horse Face, you can do better then that." I leaned down, getting up in his face, noticing light freckles dusting his nose and cheeks. They weren't noticeable if you weren't close enough. "You want to beat Eren right? Be better then him? Then you're going to have to do better then that lousy punch."

There was a fire in his eyes, a fire that could only be brought upon by mentioning our resident suicidal maniac. He got up and I moved back, once again holding my fists up.
I sighed before walking up and smacking the back of Jean's head. "Stop talking out of your ass Jean. You're as bad as Eren."

He tensed before turning around to me, "What?"

I sighed again, "If I hear one more word about the Military Police outta you, I'm gonna rip your tongue out." I turned to Eren, having already threatened him and he looked away, whistling.

"I'd like to see you try." Jean's mouth did this weird smile that he did when he thought he was right.

I blinked before forcing his head to the table, forcing my weight on him as I held him down. He flailed around and I really hope he didn't realize that he was actually stronger then me and could lift me easily.

"You still wanna see me try or do I need to actually do it?" I whispered near his ear and he stopped, shaking his head.


"Good." I got off of him, releasing him from my hold and stepped back. "Now shut up."
I listened to Eren describe the titans he saw when they invaded the Shiganshina District two years before. There had been several expeditions to retake Wall Maria since then by the Scouts, all unsuccessful.

I could tell the boy in front of me wasn't impressed by Eren's words and I frowned. I was there that day too but I wasn't about to brag about it. Not like Eren.

"I'm Olivia." I held my hand out above the table at the boy with an undercut.

"Jean." His hand was unusually smooth against mine as we shook hands. I could feel my cheeks heat up and I looked away, not wanting Jean to see.

Eren continued on about the titans and his goal to join the Scout Regiment.

"Hey, are you stupid or something? Not that it's my business but signing up for reconnaissance is kinda a death sentence."

Eren straightened up, "I guess we'll see. Or, at least I will. You seem content hiding in the interior with the other MPs."

"Look, I'm just speaking honestly here kid. I think it's better then being some loud mouth-bragger-tough guy-wannabe who thinks he's not as scared as the rest of us."

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