Izuku Midoriya| Traitor

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I inhaled before softly exhaling, walking up pale pavement to the gates of the most prestigious hero school in all of Japan: UA High. Students were already flooding in, the sidewalk filled with grey jackets and green pants and skirts. Truthfully the skirts were itchy along with the stockings but I'm sure fabric softener can fix that.

A breeze moved my hair into my face and as I moved it behind my ears I noticed a boy with messy green hair. I had to stifle a laugh as I noticed his mannerisms. He seemed to constantly be talking to himself.

I let out a little giggle before going into the huge school, hoping I could find my class easily.

I paused outside the door with a white card sticking out from it with a 1-A on it. So this must be my class. I slid the door open, sparing a glance to the few people who were already in here as I tried to find my  seat.

I was lucky, I was next to the windows, one seat away from the back which was perfect. I could daydream all I wanted with the perfect view out the windows.

I sat down, crossing my legs as I finally looked at my classmates. None of them seemed to hold any particular talent in looks. I paused on a boy with odd colored hair. He seemed interesting. He looked up, his bi colored eyes meeting mine and I was taken aback by how they held such a lack of warmth. There only seemed to be contempt in those eyes.

I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to draw attention to myself. That wouldn't be good.

The door slid open and a blond stalked in, his crimson eyes looking absolutely murderous as he sat a couple seats in front of me. A familiar green haired boy followed the angry blond along with a cute brown haired girl. They already seemed acquainted as the boy seemed tense and nervous. First day jitters.

I recognized the flash of fear in his green eyes and I sat up, following his gaze to the blond a couple seats in front of me. The green haired boy moved almost mechanically to the seat in front of me and behind the blond. He sat up straight, tense and I saw a bead of sweat rolled down the back of his neck. I saw the strain of his shoulders and smirked a little.

"You know being so tense isn't good for your muscles, right?" I leaned forward, murmuring to him.

He jumped, letting out a squeak and I laughed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I leaned back as he turned around and I extended a hand to him, "Ophelia Rogers. And before you ask, yeah I was born in America but I've lived in Japan for most of my life which is why I'm so fluent in Japanese."

"I-Izuku Midoriya." His hand enclosed mine. I was surprised by how rough his hand felt which I'm sure was from callouses. He must have a more physical Quirk.

"It's nice to meet you. Also, you should probably start meditating or doing yoga to relax your muscles or else you'll end up with strained muscles. That wouldn't be good for a future hero."
I made sure to pay attention to everyone's Quirks as Mr. Aizawa made us do a Quirk Apprehension Test. I needed to know what I was going up against.

I stood near Midoriya and a boy with blue hair and glasses who introduced himself as Tenya Iida, as the angry blond stepped up to throw the baseball. His Quirk was a useful one, being able to make explosions from his hands.

He looked down at the ball in his hand before throwing it with a loud explosion. His number was quite impressive.

"He has an impressive Quirk, doesn't he?" I muttered to the green haired boy next to me.

"K-Kacchan? Yeah, his Quirk is amazing." He started muttering to himself, making everyone in the near vicinity slightly uncomfortable.

"Kacchan? Is that your nickname for him?" I peered curiously at Midoriya and wondered what his relationship was with the blond.

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