Seth Clearwater| Mate*

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Warning: like two bad words

I sighed as I walked around the Cullens' land, late for Edward's wedding. I knew they would be surprised to see me, especially Carlisle. I trailed a hand across the trees as I made my way to the reception, I could hear the music from here.

I slipped in unnoticed by any of the guests and I gladly took a glass of champagne. I scrunched my nose up, able to smell wet dog permeating the air.

"Carlisle." I sidled up to the blond vampire and his wife as he talked to some of the guests.

He seemed surprised, "Cecilia?"

I grinned, "Been awhile Carlisle. I take it this is Esme." I held my hand out to the dark haired vampire who physically looked older then me, "Cecilia."

She gave me a confused smile, "Nice to meet you Cecilia."

"So Edward's marrying a human. That doesn't surprise me. What does the Volturi say about this?" I casually sipped my champagne, crossing my arms which made my leather jacket crinkle.

"They expect Bella to be turned soon." He lowered his voice, "Could we not talk about this right now? There's humans here."

I nodded, "Sure." I slid between the masses, finding Edward next to his newly wed wife. "Congrats Edward. I never thought you'd be the type to settle down."

He looked down at me, his smile never dimming, "Cecilia, what are you doing here?"

"Well I'm here for a wedding of course. Sorry I'm late, I didn't get to see the service." I held my hand out to Bella, "It's nice to meet you Bella. I'm glad someone could tame Edward enough for marriage."

"Celia." Edward hissed and I laughed.

"I guess Edward's never mentioned me. I've known him and Carlisle for a long time. I helped Carlisle out in the 1700s and I helped Edward back in the 20s when he was acting like a "vigilante." Both were nice little flings." I couldn't help the bitterness that filled my voice. I had thought both of them would be my mate when I had met them. But of course not. "I wish you two the happiest marriage."

I took a sip of champagne before wrinkling my nose as I could smell the wet dog smell getting closer. "What is that smell?"

"Hey, I'm glad to see things work out for you man. I'm happy for you."

I looked up as Edward dude-bro hugged someone. The boy, who was the producer of the wet dog smell, looked down at me, his smile dimming. I raised an eyebrow, "What is it dog-boy?"

Edward released an awkward cough, "He just... imprinted on you."

I blinked before laughing. "This little pup just imprinted on me? That's hilarious. Now seriously, what're you staring at me for?" I glared at the shapeshifter.

"Is there a problem here?"

My gaze shifted from the boy who had apparently imprinted on me to a man in a wheelchair. He stared at me with steely eyes and I knew that he knew I was a vampire. He must be with the shapeshifter.

"No sir." I gave him a smile, "This is a pretty wedding, isn't it?"

"Sure is." He glanced between me and the boy, a woman and man walking up behind him.

"Aren't you a little, I don't know, young to be drinking that?" The man who was behind the one in the wheelchair coughed as he looked at me.

"I'm older then what I look sir." I noticed he looked somewhat similar to Bella and I held out my hand, "You must be Bella's dad. I'm Cecilia, a friend of Edward's."

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