Tyton Jesper| Electric

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I frowned as I walked around the Piedmont base, trying to get my bearings. There was soldiers everywhere, doing everything from practicing drills to one on one combat. Not to mention the Newbloods who were trying to gain control of their unusual abilities.

I looked down at my flame maker bracelet, wishing I didn't need to rely on a stupid piece of metal for my ability.

My nose twitched as I smelt the familiar stench of burning and I followed it up a little dirt hill where the dirt cracked and crumbled underneath my feet, sending dirt clods racing down the hill. I stifled a scream as I was met by a streak of blue lightning.

"Holy shit." I muttered as I watched the three people standing at the top of the hill.

One of the people, a woman with blue hair turned to me with a thunderous expression. "You're not supposed to be up here." There was clouds forming above us while the rest of the base was clear and sunny.

I blinked, unnerved by their eyes, especially by the guy with white hair and silver eyes. "I'm sorry. I smelt something burning and I came to see what it was."

The woman, small and dainty compared to me with her hair in a pixie cut, reminded me of a fairy. If a fairy was dangerous and could kill someone easily. "It's the lightning."

I noticed all three of them had a lightning symbol on their Montfort uniforms. "You're all like Mare. You have lightning abilities." I gave them a smile. "That's so cool. Way better then having a stupid fire ability that doesn't even work without a stupid bracelet." I held up one of my arms, displaying my flame maker bracelet.

The guy with the green hair stepped forward, "So you're the princess of Norta, Cyrus Calore."

I nodded, bowing to them. "Pleasure to meet you. Although I was hoping you didn't know that."

"Why?" The man with the white hair spoke with a deep voice that sounded like he already knew what the answer was. His silver eyes looked like he already knew the answer.

"I was hoping to make some friends. Most people seem to become someone else when they realize you're royalty. It's hard to make friends and actually be able to keep them." I felt intimidated by the white haired male.

"Good thing we don't care then." The blue haired fairy held out her hand. "I'm Ella, this is Rafe and he's Tyton." Rafe, the man with the green hair waved at me while Tyton just stared.

"Can I watch you guys train?"
"Cyrus, why do you smell like burnt hair?" My older brother, Cal, sniffed the air around us before making a face.

"I watched the electricons train. It was amazing Cal."

"The electricons?"

"They're like... Mare." I cringed as I mentioned the lightning girl. Cal has been upset since she returned to Maven's court.

"You should be training Cyrus or else you'll get rusty."

I frowned. "No one wants to train with me and training by myself isn't fun."

Cal sighed. I could tell by the bags underneath his eyes that he wasn't getting any sleep. He probably worried over Mare too much and was trying to devise plans to get her back. He would do almost anything for her.

"Don't worry Cal, I'll start training. But you should go to sleep. You look like shit."
I walked around the base again before coming to one on one matches.

"Mind if I join?" I asked the soldiers who eyed me warily.

"Sure but you need to get rid of those bracelets." One of them pointed to my flame maker bracelets.

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