Bill Weasley| Secrets

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I walked into Gringott's, looking up at the warning on their doors that gave me shivers every time I read it as I entered. I saw the lines of goblins, doing their work, hardly paying attention until I noticed a familiar looking redhead.

My heart constricted as I approached the desk, "Bill?"

He looked up from a stack of papers, an earring dangling from one ear as a couple strands of ginger hair strayed from a low ponytail, "Maggie?"

A smile overtook my face as my heart sped up rapidly from his voice, "I didn't know you was working here. The last I heard you were in Egypt."

He shrugged as he placed a pen down, "Well I've decided to come back for a bit. To be closer to my family with everything going on."

"I understand that." I started scratching my left arm, the sleeve of my jumper being itchy.

There was silence, the only sound was the rustling of papers from the goblins and thumps of stamps as Bill and I looked at each other. It was a bit awkward and just as I was about to tell him bye he spoke, "My lunch break's in a couple of minutes if you want to join me at Florean Fortescue's?"

I nodded, "Yeah, that would be great. Um, just let me go get some money from my vault."

"I'll be right here."

I nodded again before turning around and adjusting the sleeves of my jumper over my knuckles.
I swirled my vanilla- raspberry ice cream around it's bowl as I waited for Bill to get his. I scratched my arm once again just as Bill sat down, "You always did enjoy anything raspberry." He said, nodding at my bowl.

I gave a little laugh, "Yeah, I do."

He took a bite of his ice cream, "My mum still asks about you sometimes."

The spoon slipped out of my hand and into my bowl as I looked at him, "What? I would've thought Molly would hate me by now."

He smiled and shook his head, "Mum could never hate you."

"I'm glad. I would not want to be on Molly's bad side."

We ate our ice cream in companionable silence as patrons entered and left Fortescue's.

"So," I said as I wiped my hands with a napkin, "I've heard that Dumbledore has created a group of some sorts to go against You-Know-Who. Is it true?"

Bill looked around before nodding, "It is. Why?"

"I want to join."
I frowned as I looked up at the building in front of me, Bill, and Mad Eye, "Um isn't this a muggle building?"

Bill nodded, "Just wait."

Mad Eye tapped his staff and I watched as the building split apart, revealing another apartment, "Wow."

Bill grinned, "Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix's headquarters."

I followed them into a dimly lit, narrow hallway. I noticed the portraits with one covered by a curtain lining the walls as we came to a dining room at the end of the hallway. I heard multiple voices coming it and the first face I saw was Sirius Black.

"This is Maggie, she's an excellent potioneer." Mad Eye said before taking up position in the corner of the room.

"Maggie?!" I turned to see Molly who rushed up to me, "Oh dear, it's so good to see you."

I put my arms around her, "It's great to see you too Molly."

When we let go of each other Molly swatted Bill's arm, "William Weasley, why didn't you tell us who you were getting?"

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