Tadaomi Karasuma| Betrayal

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I tried not to take deep breaths as I stood in front of my new class, not wanting the binder to bust. This binder was the only thing that was keeping the buttons on this uniform shirt from popping off.

"Class, welcome Anya Ivanov, our foreign exchange student." My new teacher, my new assassination target, waved a yellow tentacle towards me and I smiled as murmurs spread through the room. I knew that it would mainly consist of my looks. It always did.

"Hi, I'm Anya Ivanov. Please take care of me." I bowed towards my class, hoping they wouldn't be able to see my binder.

I could already see some nosebleeds as I went towards my seat which was between a redhead and a computer. Koro-sensei hadn't mentioned how I was an assassin but I'm sure the class could've guessed by now. Every time a new person shows up in this class, it's specifically to kill the octopus.

"Wow, she looks so much older than us. But like, in a good way." I could hear some of the girls whispering as a girl with green hair grumbled about my boobs. It seemed she was jealous.

"Hey..." I glanced over to see the redhead grinning at me, "You sound a bit like Bitch-sensei. You two know each other?"

I laughed, "Bitch-sensei? I'm afraid I do not know her." Actually I did know Bitch-sensei. Irina Jelavich is my older sister and fellow assassin which I'm sure Koro-sensei knows. But I've went undercover as Anya Ivanov instead of Anya Jelavich so my classmates wouldn't know. I even changed my hair color by wearing a wig and put in colored contacts so my eyes were green instead of blue. And I binded my large chest, which both me and sister share.

I noticed the redhead's golden eyes as he examined me and I had to avoid rolling my eyes. Whatever I did, I didn't need to make enemies with any of my classmates.
After about a week of falling into routine with my class and trying to act like I didn't know my sister, it was safe to say that killing Koro-sensei would be more of a pain than I'd like to admit. Which I most definitely did not admit to my sister. I had always teased her for having more kills than her even though she's older than me so I thought that if my sister couldn't do it then I could. I can't. It's going to take a whole team, maybe even two teams to take down Koro-sensei.

"Hey Anya!" The green haired girl who still hated my boobs, Kayano, fluttered up to my desk along with some more girls.

"Hey guys." I glanced at them, wondering what they wanted. I noticed that when one person in the class wanted something, a whole group would go to try to get it.

"We heard some rumors from the main building that you were a year older than us because you got held back. Is it true?" Nakamura spoke up and now I knew what they wanted. They wanted to know more about me.

"Yeah." I caused my face to flush to make it seem like I was embarrassed, "I did get held back at my old school and when I transferred here they said I had to go to Class E because of it." I shrugged, "I don't see what's so wrong with that. I like you guys."

I turned the charm up as I smiled up at them and all of them seemed to melt. I could have this entire class wrapped around my finger if I wanted.

"I'm actually going to be turning seventeen soon. During the summer. I started school late when I was little." They all dropped their jaws at that and I laughed. "Surprising, right?"

"I knew she was more sophisticated than us!" Kayano went off and I just shook my head.
I hummed to myself as I cleaned the classroom since it was my turn. Once I knew everyone had left and wouldn't disturb me, I brought out my phone and turned on my playlist so I could sing while I cleaned.

Irina and I were trained to be the best assassins so we had multiple skills under our belt which included being musically inclined. I liked singing more than Irina did, she preferred playing instruments. But if you got us together then we were an unbeatable duo. We even had a nickname in the assassin community, the Killer Twins.

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