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Ah... Everything is over now. The story of the Thirteen Flame-chasers has reached a spectacular end. Mei... Reach a future that we couldn't. I will always cheer for you!


But... where am I? It's pitch black. Oh... What is that light?

<Confirmed. Reincarnating the soul of the individual named 'Elysia'.>

Oh? What is this voice? Hi, do you hear me? Who are you?

<Answer. This is the Voice of the World. The soul named 'Elysia' is currently being reincarnated into the Cardinal World. Analyzing memories and previous abilities to convert them into skills.>

Cardinal World? It sounds fun! Reincarnating... I think I want a cute form this time! Of course, I still like my beautiful self too, ohhh, what do I do?! Which should I choose?

<Confirmed. Extra Skill <<Form Change>> has been acquired.>

Oh! I do want to be able to remember the other Flame-chasers in that world. Let's see... Felis is always lucky, Sakura is such a skilled swordswoman, Hua is mysterious but her powers look like those of a fire phoenix and...

I couldn't help but ramble everything unique about each of the Flame-chasers, not listening to everything the 'Voice of the World' was saying until...

<Analysis complete. Integrating powers of the Herrscher of Human: Ego and Herrscher of Origin as well as the Signet of Ego into skills.>

I paused as soon as it said that. I didn't think that my Herrscher powers would transfer over too. I guess that was what it meant by analyzing my memories.

<Completed. Unique Skill <<Suppressed Ego>> has been acquired successfully.>

Oh? That means that I may not be able to use it all, right?

<Answer. That is correct. Currently, it is only able to release 30% of the powers mentioned. In order to release their full and original powers, you would have to 'evolve' the skill.>

Hm... I'm not planning to yet, so I will leave it at that!

<Confirmed. The soul has received skills that suit the soul's preference. The new reincarnated body has been confirmed. Transferring the soul into the body now.>

Before I knew it, there was a bright flash of light before everything went dark again.

Hm... Have I already been reincarnated? Mm. I feel it... Such a flexible form, small and bouncy. Is this... Oh! I know! This must be what Vill-V calls it... A slime! Oh my, am I really a slime now? I must be sooooo cute~ I wish Dear Eden is here to see this!

With that, I began exploring or rather, rolling around in my new body. It's kind of inconveniently blind and deaf so it's making exploring difficult for me.

This must be how Su feels when he closes his eyes all the time... Oh! I can finally be like Su!

But that was when I felt something inside my body. It feels like it was being dissolved... Is that grass?

It seems like there are more around here. Well, since there's nothing much to do while blind and deaf, might as well eat all these and see what happens!

That was exactly what I did for a long, long time. Such a convenient little body this is! I can go about all day without needing sleep and I would regenerate even if I bumped into something!

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