Shizue Izawa

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Rimuru POV

It has been a few weeks since Kaijin and the brothers settled in our village and it has been expanding well thanks to them. Also, we had a big surprise when we returned to the village from the Dwarven Kingdom.


When we finally returned to the village, there had been an even larger amount of goblins than I had remembered.

"Um... Rigurd? What happened while we were gone?" I asked

"They have heard tales of your power and streamed in from nearby goblin settlements seeking refuge, Rimuru-sama." Rigurd explains

We just had a huge population boom...

"Welcome home, Rimuru-sama!"

... Great Sage-san. How many are there?

<Answer. Roughly 500.>


I could never consider asking them to leave... Look at those sparkling, expectant eyes! But just curious...

What will happen if I sent them away?

<Due to the absence of the Storm Dragon Veldora, Orcs, Lizardmen, Ogres and other intelligent monster races are vying for dominance in the Great Forest of Jura. The unevolved Goblins will likely be eliminated.>

The absence of Veldora... So that's basically my fault! No, no! I cannot let that happen!

"Alright, all who want to be in, come to me! You can all be part of the village, but remember that there must be no fighting amongst each other!" 

With my announcement, I began naming all five hundred goblins.


And we are back to the present time. The village has now expanded and with everyone's help and cooperation, everything is running smoothly. We have proper clothes and housing now!

I want to help out too, but with a slime body, it is very inconvenient. If I use my 'Elysia' body, then I could but I really want to keep my past a secret for now. I never want to lie to them, but since everything is part of my past, I should leave it as that unless I need to use it again.

I am still bothered by the image of the other signets and the possibility of them being in this world, but with no way of finding them, I can only hope that it wouldn't cause this world too much trouble. I would have to step in if that happens.

Also, about Gobta-chan... Turns out he's actually quite smart! The Tempest Wolf that he had ridden on to escape the gates of Dwargon was actually something that he summoned himself! It makes me so proud to see such an achievement!


I turned my head to the voice and see Rigurd running up to me.

He looks even manlier from the last time I saw him. He had evolved from a Goblin Lord to a Goblin King after the other elders declared him as their leader. How reliable!

"Is something the matter, Rigurd?" I ask as he stopped in front of me and Ranga, whom I had been riding on the entire time

"Yes, ma'am! We received a message from Rigur and the security team! It seems they've discovered suspicious beings in the forest." Rigurd reported


"No, humans. They may be scouts from some nation hoping to expand its dominion."


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