God's Daughter

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Veldora motioned for us to sit, indicating that this could become a long talk.

"Is it really the time for you to be here, Veldora? For someone who cares about Rimuru, I thought you'd be going out to search for her by now." I said

He lets out a sigh, "It's impossible if she's in another bubble universe."

"Bubble universe?" Velzard's eyes narrowed, "You mean she is in an entirely different dimension right now? An inaccessible one?"

"You could say that."

"... I already figured that something was up with that dome, but that was the work of a Divine Key, right?" I asked, recalling that Feiyun, as a Primordial Herrscher, had been unable to break the dome herself, "... A 'kind' weapon said that the Divine Keys were a counterbalance against Herrschers. I didn't believe it until now."

"Corrie told you, huh? Yeah, it's a Divine Key, like you guessed. Its power allows the user to create a bubble universe for themselves. It is a pocket dimension mostly inaccessible to others without the Divine Key. Rimuru has been dragged there."

"Is Rudra involved in that?" I asked

"Not directly involved, but we are all sure that it's the work of another MANTIS soldier working under him. Based on the information we know now, the Empire has three MANTIS soldiers. One of them was Kevin, the guy that held that blazing greatsword. Also known as the strongest MANTIS soldier." Veldora explained, "The one that took Rimuru is mostly a pacifist though, so I have no idea what could be going on in that pocket dimension right now."

That guy from the first battle was the strongest one? They put him out right from the get-go rather than keep him a secret?

"... Rudra threw a bait, is that what you're saying?" I concluded

Velzard turned to me with a questioning look on her face, "A bait?"

"Rimuru's relationship with the MANTIS soldiers is not complicated. After all, they were comrade-in-arms in their old world. From what she said before, they all came from her old world. Maybe Rudra doesn't know this, but if that guy really was the strongest and he made him go out there to fight Rimuru from the beginning..." I trailed off to think a little more, "... It's as if Rudra was purposely luring Rimuru out."

"But for what purpose?"

"When the 'Star Phenomenon' returned during the last day of the Founding Festival last year, the stars said this... 'The moon and stars sent God's daughter and she was willing to become the companion to every living being'." Veldora recounted for us

His words immediately gave us the answer that we needed and I resisted from cracking the table between us right then and there, chuckling in disbelief.

"You are joking, right?" Velzard said in mild disbelief but Veldora remained silent, "... You can't be serious. 'God's daughter'? Milim is our Brother's only daughter. There can't be anyone else."

"I never said Rimuru was our Brother's daughter, don't assume that. Let me finish my story first." Veldora frowned and continued, "... It is a pretty long story, so bear with me for a bit."

He proceeded to recount the story in his own words. By the end of it, I couldn't help but sigh heavily. Not only was Rimuru's pure existence world-breaking, but to know that she was always holding back to keep the world in balance is also news to me.

No wonder Veldora was so sure that she would never endanger the world. If she had all intentions to destroy the world, all she had to do was activate the 'Authority' that she holds. But now it makes sense... Even if Rudra doesn't know about this power, any being with her divinity would attract his attention. If he somehow manages to convert Rimuru to his side, it's as good as a checkmate. But Rimuru is the type to not go down without a fight, that's for sure.

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