The Gathering

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Rimuru POV

I stared in confusion at the others around me as they stared at Veldora with wide eyes.

... Ah! It must be because his aura is restrained right now!

"I'll introduce him to everyone later! Don't worry about it!" I waved the topic off

There were a few incredulous looks exchanged but they silently decided to make their way out of the cave with me, where I see Diablo standing guard.

"Diablo? What are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh, Rimuru-sama! You've finally returned!" Diablo exclaims happily, giving me a polite bow

"Yeah! So..."

"Oh, yes. The Beastmen had been here before to ask about your safety. However, I stopped them before they could invade on your business inside the cave. Though..." Diablo explains but trails off to look at the others behind me

"I called them to me, so it's okay!" I assured him


Suddenly, Souei comes out of my shadow and gives me a bow in greeting.


"Rimuru-sama. About Clayman's movements..." Souei trails off as he looks at the others behind me, to him they must have seemed rather haggard after seeing Veldora, "... Should I wait for later?"

"No need, you chose the right timing! Summon all the other executives into the meeting room. That includes Kaval and Youm's groups." I ordered

"Understood!" With that reply, Souei disappears back into the shadows

Veldora hums in thought as he approaches me, "Is there something I can help with as well?"

"Of course!"

Hm... I suppose I should also pay a visit to our prisoners while that's happening...

We made our way back to the town where most of the residents had gathered at the plaza. Rigurd and some others were among them and upon seeing me, Rigurd happily jogs up to me.

"Rimuru-sama! And..." Rigurd trails off after seeing Veldora behind me

"For now, I'm relieved you were safe. There were sudden signs that the Storm Dragon has revived. So I was wondering what in the world happened." Alvis says after approaching me with a relieved look on her face

"Ah, about that..." I started, going behind Veldora to give him a small push, "Let me introduce him to everyone! This is Veldora! He may be a little shy but please get along!"

"Wa- Don't be stupid! Since when was I shy?! It's simply that there are only a few who could actually reach me alive!" Veldora sputters out

"Just introduce yourself. Since you can successfully restrain your aura now, they are only half convinced." I whispered

"Hm, I see. Well, alright." Veldora straightens and lets out a short cough before declaring, "I'm the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest. You guys must be wondering what my relationship is with your Lady, Rimuru! Are you curious?! You must be curious!"

There were a few nods and mutters as Veldora grins.

"I see, then I shall enlighten you!" Veldora hollers before grabbing me around my shoulder to pull me closer, "Rimuru is my confidant, another half of my soul, and my sworn friend!"

There was a deafening silence after his declaration.

Sworn friend...?! I'm having a lot of first-friend titles here!

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