Peace Restored

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Rimuru POV

I opened my eyes once I was back in my body, noticing that Veldora was holding onto me as I stood up and stretched.

"Thank you for protecting my body, Veldora!"

"Seeing you back like that, it means you succeeded?" He asked with an anticipating grin

I shook my head, "No, not yet. We still need to complete a few final steps."

Looking to the side, Feiyun had already carried Hinata's body and made her way over to us with Diablo, Leon, and Iris by her side. She carefully set Hinata's body beside Chronoa's unconscious body and nodded to me.

"What happened, Rimuru?" Leon questioned

"I'll answer your questions later. First, I need everyone to keep your guards up so that we won't be disturbed." I said 

Leon nodded without hesitation, "Just leave it to me!"

Hm? He seems more enthusiastic and emotional than before...

"Kufufufu. I will always protect Rimuru-sama even without the order."

Iris nodded beside him, "Understood."

"Just do what you need to do!" Veldora assured me

I nodded at his words and reanalyzed the situation. We need strong resurrection magic, and I am not doing this process alone. Although Hinata's consciousness had reemerged from <Mathematician>, it was still inside <Spacetime King, Yog-Sothoth>. This merging had saved her, but separating these two will be even more difficult. I would need to prepare the energy to replace her and switch them while also applying resurrection magic at the same time. Luckily, there is already a Divine Key that has control over life and death, and we also have a Herrscher that can freely reign over a realm of sentience.

"Let's begin, Feiyun." I said as she nodded to signal that she was ready, "... Come, Abyss Flower."

The white lance stabs on the ground beside us and I hovered my hands over the two bodies as the Abyss Flower entangled the two bodies with its vines.

Flower of the Abyss. Use my energy to locate Hinata's soul, and the pseudo core, extract them and replace the extracted energy into <Spacetime King, Yog-Sothoth> with mine. Raphael-san, once Abyss Flower recovers the pseudo core, Hinata's soul fragments, and <Mathematician>, use <Isolation> to merge them together.


While I did all that, Feiyun would protect the consciousness of the extracted soul, making sure that the soul's essence and personality were still intact before moving it into Hinata's body while I cast <Resurrection>. It was easy to do since my current body structure was a Saint's. This grueling process only took a few minutes, but it really sapped my energy since it heavily relied on it. When it was finally complete, I heaved a sigh of relief as Hinata's hair regained luster, her cheeks reddening, and her heart began to beat once more. Giving her body one last analysis, the pseudo core was quiet and still with no signs of awakening. Feiyun sighed heavily and leaned back to relax after using her energy to return Hinata's soul. I then turned my eyes to Chronoa as her soul shone in divine light, it was beautiful. She finally opens her eyes and makes eye contact with me.


I giggled as she hugged me. I knew it was Chloe from the way she called me and from the sound of her voice. As I returned the hug, I noticed that Chloe had returned to her child form, still wearing the black <Holy Spirit Armaments>.

"What the hell is this, Rimuru?" Leon questioned as he looked at Chloe

Hinata had just gotten up and sighed as she caught the sight.

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