The Children

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Rimuru POV

It was now the morning of the next day. I had told the trio about my plans to stay in Ingracia and I am now seeing them off at the gates.

"Contact us if something comes up, alright?" Eren sniffles

"Yeah, I will! Don't worry!"

"Tell me if you ever get lonely, 'kay? Do take care!" She finally cries, squeezing me in a hug

I patted her hair while the boys were also gloomy behind her. After a few more minutes, she lets me go and they entered the carriage, finally returning to Blumund.

Well, time to get ready!

I walked to where the Freedom Academy was and entered the accommodation given to me by Yuuki. Apparently, he's also the Chairman here, so getting this arranged was quite easy for him. I unpacked some of my things in the room before going to the library, hoping to find something I needed.

<Notice. Analysis of grimoire is now complete. It is now possible to employ chantless magic.>

Great Sage-san is really amazing. Just a touch of the book and it already analyzed it this quickly... Well, with all of the grimoires I went through, at least I could finally find what I needed to know. This was just an extra.

The next day... It was now the arranged timing that I needed to meet the Headmaster. He was a frail old man who already looked nervous upon seeing me as he started guiding me to the classroom. I tried to dress up so that I look more like a teacher. A white sleeveless button shirt and short pants with a black outer coat. I also wore black combat heel boots for comfort. Most importantly and lastly, I made sure I had my mask on at all times.

"I know the Chairman trusts you, and I would like to do the same, but those kids really are a handful, you know? And you don't even look much older than them."

"Don't worry, just leave them to me! I'm much older than I look!" I assured him

The Headmaster sighs, stopping and looking up at a classroom sign.

"This is it. Ah, would you look at that!" He exclaims, seeing the board eraser wedged on top of the door

"Oh! How playful of them! Thank you for taking me this far." I said

"Ah, yes. Then I'll be off."

I waved him off while he walked away before looking at the eraser.

I can fall for it on purpose, but that wouldn't be a good first impression. I guess I should dodge it at the last minute.

I opened the door, greeting the students inside, "Hi, everyone! I'll be your homeroom teacher-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I had to dodge a flaming sword from the orange-haired boy that came jumping at me.

Eh? That was...

"That was so cool!" A black-haired boy praises, clapping along with an older brown-haired boy

"So you finally perfected your sure kill move!"

"You didn't finish the job, ya dummy! Look, she dodged it!" A yellow-haired young girl huffs

Wow... I thought they were waiting to die. They seem to still have enough energy to try to kill me! Well, I have no choice at this point.

"Alright, everyone! Sit down at your seats while I take attendance!" I announced to the room

At the same time, I called Ranga out from my shadow. He was in a bigger and more intimidating size but not his original size. This intimidated the kids to return to their seats as I walked over to the table and opened the folder in my hands for attendance.

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