Side Story: The Predicament of 'Ego'

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Third Person POV

Three days after signing the pact with King Gazel, Rimuru ponders on a problem she had been troubled with for awhile.

"Hah... What should I do...?" She sighs deeply, putting a wooden block aside after stamping a symbol of approval on it, "How troubling..."

However, this didn't go unheard by her secretary, Shion, who'd heard her from the door before knocking on it.

"Come in!"

Shion twists the doorknob, opening the door and closes it behind her, holding a tray of potato chips and tea in her hands.

"Shuna-sama asked me to bring these snacks for you today, Rimuru-sama! Please take a break and enjoy them!"

"Thank you, Shion-chan!"

After taking a sip of her tea, Rimuru sighs again.

"Is something bothering you, my Lady? Are you tired?" Shion asks, concern laced in her voice

"Oh...! No, not at all! I can't really feel tired anyway. It's just..." Rimuru pauses before giving a smile to Shion again, "Nothing."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah!" Rimuru pauses in thought before making a request, "... Uh... Shion-chan. I would like to be alone for today, if you don't mind. I'll show up for dinner later, I promise! I just need some time alone right now."

"D-Did something happen?! Do you need any of us to help you?! What's troubling you, my Lady?!" Shion questions frantically

"No, it's nothing like that! I'm not exactly... troubled. Just a little confused."


"Yeah. So I just need some alone time for now. I'll see everyone during dinner later." Rimuru said


Deciding to follow her wishes, Shion leaves Rimuru alone in her office and walks off to find someone.


"Rimuru-sama is troubled by something?" Shuna repeats

"Yes! She even asked to be left alone today! What do I do?! I can't even help her as her secretary!" Shion whines

"Well, she has just recently become the official ruler of our country, maybe she's a little pressured by it." Benimaru ponders

"Then it could be our fault for pushing it onto her!" Shion exclaims

"If our ruler is troubled, then we must aid her as much as we can! Let's begin a meeting!" Rigurd announces

Thus, most of the executives closer to Rimuru had been gathered into a meeting room for an intense discussion.

"First, let's try to figure out what has been troubling her. I'm sure Rimuru-sama has either shown or let out clues about the source of her troubles." Benimaru began

"Shion, she really never said anything to you about the matter?" Shuna asks

"Not at all. I asked her about it but she simply evaded all of my questions. Her mood was so bad that she didn't even feel happier at the sight of snacks!" Shion exclaims

The occupants in the room each let out gasps of surprise, as this was unusual for their Lady, who always brightens up at the sight of food.

"Souei, do you think Ranga could tell us what she is doing right now?" Benimaru asks

"I just sent a clone to ask." Souei immediately replies and not a moment later, receives a message from his clone, "..."


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