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Third Person POV

The death of the Insect General Torun had triggered a change in the battlefield drastically but it was not just Gabiru's group. Carrion, Middray, and Obera were also watching the situation, fearing that the balance of power on the battlefield would be upset as they made a decisive decision. It was Carrion who made his move first.

"Heh, Frey won. Well, of course, I can't lose either." Carrion smiled wryly and glared at Abart

Abart was not only good at close combat but also at magical combat. His stretchable slender arms, covered with the exoskeleton that reached the peak of alienium, could pierce his enemies sharper than a spear. By using his free hands to make a sign, he could also perform magic without chanting spells. This combination of magic and unique physical techniques appeared to put Carrion in a difficult situation but the reality was different. Carrion was just waiting for an opportunity. It was a matter of finding a way to preserve the <Beast Roar>, his special move, and defeat the enemy with less energy consumption. With these thoughts, Carrion was searching for Abart's weak points. As soon as the battle began, Carrion realized that he had the advantage but that did not mean he was taking it easy. Abart's strength was genuine, and if he was not careful, he could be defeated. He also had a feeling that it would be dangerous, he did not want to bring about unnecessary injuries by rushing things.

This was the correct choice. Abart was a special individual who entered a rampant state whenever his physical strength was almost exhausted, tripling his attack and recovery power. If that had happened, Carrion would have had a hard time and, or worse, suffered a defeat. However, he was able to maintain the battle line without any danger because of his wild intuition. He also recognized Abart's habit. Carrion, who knew how long it would take for the magic to be used again and how long it would take for the spear to be fully extended before it was returned to its original position, waited for Abart to simultaneously activate both of them. Finally, the moment had arrived. Frey's defeat of Insect General Torun had triggered Abart's impatience.

"I've been waiting for this. <Beast Roar>!"

Carrion's technique pierced Abart's body. The flash emitted by the magic particles widened the area of effect and completely engulfed Abart. It was Carrion's victory in that short moment.


Middray calmly gazed down on the battlefield. Saril, who was standing in front of him, was of no concern. Middray had perfect control of his body, always exerting only a certain amount of power. In some cases, he would adjust his body to the same level as that of his opponent, enjoying the act of fighting more purely. In this respect alone, Middray was in the same league as Diablo. This was exactly what Middray had done with Saril this time.

"Hm... You approach this naively. You seem confident in your poison, but it won't work against me. If your attacking style of relying on your poisonous tail doesn't work, then what will you do?" He taunted Saril

Saril lost his temper at this, "Damn it, how cocky!"

But he knew that the increased power from his fury was meaningless if he couldn't hit his target. His actions had become monotonous, and was now at Middray's mercy. It would have been easy just to finish him off, but Middray refrained from doing so because he was aware of the eerie atmosphere that covered the battlefield.

"What is this persistent feeling? Hm, probing my power. So they've lost interest. In other words, they can kill me at any time..."

The presence reminded him of Milim, whom Middray worshiped. But unlike Milim, there was no warmth in it at all. It was cold and devoid of any emotion, an eerie presence. Middray had intentionally kept Saril alive to find out their identity.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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