The Battle

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Rimuru POV

Since this was going to be a battle, I moved the round table into my 'Stomach' and walked calmly to the middle of the now empty space.

"The stage and audience are ready now. I wonder if the guest is too?" I announced, taking a glance at Clayman

He flinches a little, looking around the room, "Are you really sure, everyone? About forgiving this inferior slime's impudence? She's insulting us Demon Lords!"

The Demon Lords remained silent and I could hear the silent snoring of Demon Lord Dino, who remained laying on the floor after the table had been removed.


Feeling sympathy for him, I made him a crystal chair that he could lie on. I did see his surprised expression when he woke up to the feeling of being lifted by the chair but Guy was quick to speak, which brought my attention to him.

"I don't really care. Clayman, since you're a Demon Lord too, why don't you show us that you can beat this woman with your own strength?"

Seems like his words finally made Clayman accept the reality of things as he began chuckling, his little fox companion running up to him.

"Ku... kukuku! My, my. Although I truly despise dirtying my own hands, I guess it's come to this anyway." Clayman sighs as he picks up the little fox, giving its fur a brush, "I've blundered this time. This is an order. Kill Rimuru Tempest."


Third Person POV

With that order, Milim instantly got into action and attacked Rimuru. However, the space where she had hit was already empty and Rimuru was now behind her. It was hard to tell when she had moved to dodge, those with <Thought Acceleration> could see that in that instant, Rimuru simply conjured a crystal platform to move her behind Milim and the crystal disappears.

"That was a close one." Rimuru sighed in relief as she turns to glance at Milim before looking at Clayman, "Relying on others may not be the best move in a banquet, Clayman."

"How do you mean? Milim isn't exactly a girl who listens to others on a willy-nilly, is she? She's arrived at this decision herself. Guy, is there a problem with that?" Clayman asked

"Not at all. If Milim's fighting of her own volition, I won't stop her." Guy replies

A few thoughts raced in Rimuru's mind but that was when she caught sight of a small smile on Milim's lips. Not a few moments later, her smile brightens.

"Oh? If a cute girl wants to dance with me that badly, then I shouldn't refuse the invitation, should I?" Rimuru chuckles as she readies herself

"Quit prattling, slime..." Clayman grounds out in frustration, "You're going to die in despair!"

"It's not my style to do that. Neither am I going to face you. I don't like bullying anyone. I'll leave this to one of my companions." Rimuru said calmly as her eyes glanced at someone behind her

"What was that-"

Before Clayman could finish his sentence, Shion had already charged her way toward him and laid a fury of punches on him. Once he was punched a few distances away from her, Shion looks at Rimuru with bloodstained fists and a bright smile.

"Can I go ahead, Rimuru-sama?"

Rimuru hears Iris muttering something behind her with a heavy sigh, "Unable to comprehend her actions. It is concluded that airheadedness or idiocy is present."

"Iris... That's some crude words for a fellow companion..."

"You should ask that next time before you take action, Shion-chan!" Rimuru instructs before observing Clayman healing himself, "<Ultraspeed Regeneration>. He truly is a Demon Lord, huh."

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