Their Resolve

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Third Person POV

Mai had teleported them back into their safe base, the Heavenly Star Palace, and Feldway screamed out of humiliation.

"Damn Rudra, quit messing around! What kind of a Hero are you when you couldn't even protect Veldanava-sama?!"

These were Feldway's true feelings, he was furious from the bottom of his heart. He had known that Rudra was strong, but he never thought he could be defeated while in possession of the <Castle Guard>. The breach of the invincible <Castle Guard> had been too unexpected even for him. Even if he did not have a cautious disposition, this would still be reason enough to choose to withdraw. That's why Feldway understood that this is nothing to be ashamed of, but he was still unable to control the anger welling up inside him. Although abhorrent, it's not as if it was a decisive defeat. Feldway told himself this and tried to regain his composure. He temporarily ignored his own defeat and turned his attention to the war situation with the others. As a result, he was shocked by an unexpected turn of events.

"Michael-sama, have you finished with Demon Lord Rimuru?"

He sent this 'thought' to Michael directly but did not receive any response. They were one and the same, sharing the same power. No matter how far apart they were, even if they existed in different dimensions, their shared will would never be severed. The only time where this would be possible was if one of them was in a critical situation where the other was unable to respond. But unlike Feldway, Michael was a <Parallel Existence>, so as long as a copy of himself remained, he could revive in any situation. Therefore, there should be no need for him to panic, though that should be the case, the lack of response was still unusual. Since the <Time Stop> has been released, the battle should have been won by now. Demon Lord Rimuru should not even be aware of the Suspended World. In other words, the plan should have been accomplished as soon as Leon was lured to the bait. Yet, a bad premonition was making Feldway's heart pound. And then, the message was delivered.

"Ah... my wish has been granted. Feldway, my only regret is leaving you behind..."

This was the 'thought' that Michael sent while he was disappearing with the last of his strength. Feldway could feel Michael's power inside him but his 'will' was no longer there. It was the confirmation of Michael's 'death'.

"It can't be... Michael-sama is a <Parallel Existence>, right? Whatever the situation, as long as I'm safe, it should be possible to revive him..." Feldway muttered in distraught

Michael was the first friend he had made, and the first friend he allowed himself to be open and honest with. He was always cautious and prioritized Michael's safety, taking a multitude of precautions until he felt absolutely sure that things were safe. Yet, there was no sign of Michael reviving. The <Justice King, Michael> itself had not disappeared, and there was a sign that the Manas had returned, it would respond to questions but it was without an ego. It was merely the power to control the Ultimate Skill in its pure form, a fundamentally different existence from Michael, a friend of his who wished to revive Veldanava of his own free will. Feldway had no choice but to admit that his friend had completely disappeared.

"Why... How did this happen?" He blurted these questions without thinking, but no one could answer them

He was stunned by this unbelievable event, and Michael's last words reverberated in his mind. What did he mean when he said that his wish had been granted? Feldway could not understand it but he felt a little better knowing that his friend did not die in pain. However, he could not help but feel jealous of Michael.

"How sly, to be satisfied with yourself and leave me behind."

He was lonely. As the head of the Seven Primordial Angels, he was the leader of the group, and all the responsibilities fell upon his shoulders. All decisions were left to his will, without the possibility of consulting others. When Veldanava left, there was no way to escape the pressure, and to everyone's dismay, Feldway remained at the forefront as a leader.

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