Battle of the Executives

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Benimaru POV

We received an order from Lady Rimuru to meet someone in Feiyun's Sanctuary who would aid us.

But honestly, who knew that she actually saw through the enemy's attacks to this point...? Our Lady is as perceptive as ever.

Taking Shion and Souei with me, we headed to a nearby 'door' that was opened for us to go through. Diablo had been deployed to give instructions to the demons who would be fending off the Empire's army above ground, so I was surprised to see the Three Demonesses here too when we came into the clearing. A loud reverberating clash of metal caught my attention and I looked up to see the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd facing off against Feiyun, who was managing to stay rooted at her spot on top of a chain while fending her off with her whip and sword.

... To think that her 'death' was also all part of the ruse... No, being able to put up an illusion of that scale is another case in itself.

"Hello, you must be the executives." A voice called out to us

Shion and Souei had their guards up, as did the Demonesses when a man with long grey hair and teal-green highlights approached us alongside the soldier who had been seen fighting Feiyun before along with...

"Lieutenant Kondou..."

"Wait!" The soldier interjected, "Listen, I know this might seem bad, but you need to trust us. Feiyun managed to get us out of this binding, so we just need to confront the Emperor now."

"And we are supposed to trust you so easily?!" Shion growled, ready to pull out her weapon on them

"Break it up! Can you not fight each other while I'm still fighting up here?!"


I looked around, finally seeing a black feather floating in between us. The real Feiyun was still fighting Velgrynd above us.

"Alright, listen up! I need to make this quick. They are going to be your comrades in this fight against those on the flagship. The Queen's only motive here is to figure out the truth of this war."

"The truth?" Souei repeated in confusion

"Look, you just need to get up there and fight your way to the Emperor. That's the only way we are going to be able to get this anywhere. Those guys at Dwargon are fighting all they can right now, so you better do a good job here!"

Without any other explanation, the feather stopped glowing and the soldier kept it with her.

"As a sign of alliance, my Seven Swords are currently assisting to fend off the attack at Dwargon. They listen to my orders, so they will do all they can to help your friends." The soldier explained, "But we have to hurry."

"I do not understand, though. What does Feiyun-san mean by 'the truth'?" Testarossa asks

"This war isn't what it seems to be. On the surface, it is to get the Storm Dragon and Demon Lord Rimuru on the Empire's side, but we believe that there is a darker truth hiding in plain sight." The man explained, "Oh, right. My name is Su. This is Hua. We are both Flame-chasers, just like your Lady."

"... The remaining two Flame-chasers, huh..." I pondered, "So you must be the ones Rimuru-sama told us to meet."

Su shrugs, "Probably. I didn't know that she saw this much coming."

"You and I both." I finally let out a sigh and looked at Lieutenant Kondou, "Are you sure we can trust you?"

Lieutenant Kondou sighed and gave me a firm nod, "There's been something bothering me for a long time. I'm not happy to find out that my mind might have been messed with, so I want to know. I promise that I won't turn my gun or my blade on you."

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