Vs. Hinata

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Rimuru POV

The problems of the labyrinth were beginning to resolve themselves as I expected, but since Green Rebellion could potentially break through Floor 50, I decided to let the Bipedal-type and Templar-class Honkai Beasts become the floor monsters of Floors 51 to 54.

Hopefully, they can stop Green Rebellion once and for all. I know they have grown stronger but I can't help but worry.

Putting aside those thoughts momentarily, I turned my attention to Veldora, who was lounging on his couch. We were currently on Floor 100, waiting for some people to arrive.

"Will you be okay, Rimuru? I know how hard you are trying to keep your powers hidden." Veldora suddenly says to me, a small frown on his lips

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm more worried about Hinata. She loves to fight, but doesn't know when it is time to stop for a bit." I sighed, thinking about who she felt like to me, "... Now that I think about it, she really is almost like the old Mei in a sense, just without the horns."

"Is that so?" Veldora mumbled, looking at the ceiling in thought, "... Yeah, maybe there is a small similarity. But Mei was like that because she was a lost girl that needed some guidance."

"Maybe Hinata is the same?" I wondered aloud, Is that why she still can't awaken as a Hero?

Veldora suddenly sits up and glances at his door.

"They seem to have arrived." He noted

Using my <Universal Detect>, I also sensed a few presences arriving and we moved out of his home to meet them.

"Hi! Everyone is here!" I greeted them

"What a crowd..." Veldora muttered behind me

While Mobius wasn't a surprise to see, Iris and Feiyun were another case. Mjollmile was acting as Hinata's guide, though she didn't need it. Masayuki seemed a little down and Ramiris is hitching a ride on his head.

"Masayuki-kun, why are you here too?" I asked the boy

"I called him here. I heard he asked to challenge you before." Feiyun answered for him

"I told you that it was a misunderstanding..." Masayuki whined behind her

I chuckled a little, "It actually was a misunderstanding, Feiyun."


Iris seemed a little upset about something so I turned my attention to her and she noticed immediately.

"... Hinata-sama's proposal was a little absurd, no matter how much I tried to dissuade her from the idea. So I brought Feiyun as a measure." She explained to me

"A measure...?" I repeated, looking over to Hinata, "You wanted to fight me seriously, I heard."

"Because you weren't even fighting seriously against me the first two times." Hinata grumbled

No, wait! The first time we fought, I was actually struggling because of the barrier! That was me being serious! ... I think.

<Answer. Due to the barrier at the time, Master used up 5% of power from the <<Signet of Ego>>.>

Right! So I was fighting seriously that time!

"But didn't I fight you seriously the first time?" I questioned her

She looked at me incredulously, "You know that was not a fair fight."

I can't counter that...

"Okay, okay, let's cut the chit-chat there." Mobius cuts us off, "Whoever wants to be a spectator, you can step aside. I can assure you that none of these mock battles will be gentle."

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