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Rimuru POV

Hua left after five days of staying in the realm with Feiyun. I accommodated their requests and changed the realm's scenery to keep Feiyun from getting bored. For now, it seems like she has fully recovered all of her energy and was happier than before. Of course, she wasn't that happy when she saw the picture I had framed up of the two of them sleeping on my office wall but it wasn't like she didn't ask for a picture for herself either.

Hehe~ Silly girl~ With <Universal Detect>, I can see that you framed it up in a small photo frame in your home too~

A knock on the door cut me off from my thoughts and I called the person in. It was Feiyun. She had requested to meet me earlier in the day and since my schedule for the evening is freed up, I accepted the request. I motioned for her to sit on the couch and she nodded and did as told while I served her some tea Shuna had delivered to my office before this.

"So why did you ask to meet me?" I asked

"It's about Dino." She replied, taking a sip of her tea, "I held it off for awhile but do you wanna talk to him?"

I paused from drinking my tea and looked at her blankly, "Huh?"

She snorted but held back from laughing before continuing, "Actually, Yang passed on the authority of the remote activation of the curse she placed on him back to me. I fiddled around with it a little bit during Walpurgis and found out that I could actually reach the deepest parts of his mind. But I needed to confirm that Michael wouldn't notice it so I've been playing around with it for awhile. I can communicate with him but I still can't figure out the 'control circuits' on his <Ultimate Dominion>."

"So you can talk to him now?" I quickly confirmed as she nodded, "Can you share the communication line with me?"

"Sure thing."

With hers and Ciel's help, I was finally able to speak to the 'traitor'.

Hi, Dino~

It took a moment for a panicked voice to respond to me, "R-Rimuru-san?!"

Yup, it's me! It's not a dream!

"I'm here too." Feiyun added

"Feiyun too?!"

I chuckled lightly before continuing, So~ I heard that you caused some trouble and picked a fight with me, is that right?

"N-No, I mean, I did pick a fight but it wasn't as dramatic as it sounds..." Dino responded, still sounding a little panicked

Oh my, I don't like little liars! Just be honest with me! From what I heard, you led intruders into the labyrinth and went on an absolute rampage! You even plotted to kidnap Ramiris, right?

"Well, you see, I had to do it because I was ordered-"

I didn't hesitate to cut him off, Ah, ah~ No excuses.

"... Yes, I'm sorry..."

Feiyun was holding back laughter in real life as she continued to hold onto the communication line between us.

I usually wouldn't condone such an act but I'll be willing to forgive you this once~ As long as you're sorry about it~

"Seriously?!" The happy response from Dino said a lot, "Of course, I'm sorry. It's just that I have my own problems, and this is what happened. You understand that, don't you?"

Mm, I understand. After all, you were under Michael's control.

"... Eh?"

Feiyun's sigh could be heard this time, "In other words, you were controlled to do what you did and you still are being controlled now."

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