Project Sanctuary

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Rimuru POV

As soon as I dismissed the executives, Mobius immediately pulled me to the labyrinth without any delay, insisting that the other Flame-chasers to follow us as well.

"Iris, call those three over too and lead them inside." Mobius instructed her as we arrived at the entrance to the labyrinth


With teleportation magic, Iris disappears while we are taken to Floor 100, where the door to the realm currently is in.

"This door..." Feiyun hummed out, looking at the door with interest as soon as I made it visible, "... It has the same energy as yours."

"You have the energy too, now that you are one of us." I reminded her

"Oh, right. So are we heading in?" She asks, pointing her thumb at the door

"Of course. This idiot needs to stay inside for a few days." Mobius grunted as she ignored my surprised gasp

"Wait, why?!" I protested

"Hm? What's the ruckus here?" A voice called out and Ramiris flew over, landing on my shoulder, "What's wrong, Rimuru?"

"Ramiris! You see-"

Veldora interrupted me, "Oh, she has to take a long rest because she might have overdone it again."

"That is not true, Veldora!" I gasped out

He rolled his eyes at me and scoffed, "Sure it isn't."

"Just stop struggling and give up. You know that none of us will let you get away." Aponia smiled calmly


Feiyun just stared at us with a raised brow but did not bother to interject. Seeing that I was still trying to not be dragged into the realm, Veldora finally carried me off the ground with one arm.

"There we go! Now we can move!" He grinned victoriously


Mobius returned a grin, "Good work."

She finally opened the door and we stepped inside, finding ourselves already inside the cathedral.

"Seriously, we need to start soon..." I hear Mobius grumbling before she turns to Feiyun, "So, I think we should have introductions first. You look just like Hua, but I can tell that you are not her. You are obviously the Herrscher of Sentience."

"Hua? Oh, you mean Fu Hua? I apparently should know who she is, but most of my memories are wiped clean. But yes, I was the Herrscher of Sentience, or at least, I technically still am something like that. Now I can be called the Herrscher of Cognizance too. My name is Feiyun." She introduces herself with her hands on her hips

"Your memories were wiped clean?" Aponia repeated those words

"Yeah. There are some small details in my memories, but other than that, I have no clue as to what had happened to Fu Hua and myself before I dropped into this nation." Feiyun explained

"Even from Mei's memories, she was supposed to have Hua's 50,000 years' worth of memories too after being born as the Herrscher of Sentience. I just don't understand what could have caused this loss of memories. The biggest suspicion I have is Hua herself." I continued

"You mean, Hua erased her memories? You mean she..." Sakura gasped

"When I was in that subspace, I saw a part of her memories but most details were too blurry or erased. But there is one thing I am confident to say. Hua is here in this world, but I just don't know where. Feiyun was saved by her but the result was that she needed her memories of whatever happened or is happening to Hua, erased. Right now, Feiyun is trying to regain her memories to try to save Hua one day." I explained to them

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