Intersecting Paths

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Rimuru POV

After the first event, it was already noon and we were all back at the guest hotel where everyone could eat the snacks prepared by us. There were passionate talks about the performances today. I was exposed to the audience so I naturally had a few people approaching me, but Beni and Rigurd intercepted the unfamiliar faces just in case it goes too far.

"Jeez, Rimuru-san! You have surprises everywhere! The Golden Diva and the Magician? Seriously? They are traveling talents! Half a year ago, they appeared in the opera house in Ingracia before disappearing into thin air, and then they even proceeded to hold public performances in various nations for a brief amount of time! They are quite famous but never would you be able to see them with your own eyes unless they make a random appearance!" Yuuki excitedly recounts

Ah, so that's how they've been living. But why didn't they start performing from the time they arrived? Did they arrive later than us? That can't be.

"Rimuru-sama." A gentle voice called my name

We turned our heads to see the two performing artists approaching us as they bowed to me.

"Thank you for allowing me this chance to perform in your beautiful opera house. I am relieved that the invitation has reached you in time before this." The Diva with soft maroon hair said with a sigh of relief and a fond smile on her face, "We listened to your speech this morning and it sparked an interest in us. After a bit of discussion, could we make a request to reside in your nation and continue performing here?"

I returned a fond smile of my own, "Of course, you're more than welcome to stay! I enjoyed performing alongside both of you today too, and I hope to be able to hear more of your beautiful songs in the future."

"Thank you for this opportunity, Rimuru-sama."

The three of us shared a fond moment as our Signets resonated with each other and I heard a choked sob, turning to see the Magician with her head turned away from us.

"Oh, she must be moved to tears since we finally found a home." The Diva giggled but her voice cracked a little in the middle as she quickly shook it off, "Please excuse us now..."

I nod in understanding, "Mm. I'll have living arrangements made for the two of you after the festival, so please stay in this hotel for now until they are complete. Also, feel free to join us for the events we will be holding for the next few days."

She nods, seemingly having something more to say but hesitated, turning to walk away with the Magician, giving her back a comforting pat. I let out a shaky breath of my own, holding my emotions in.


I had almost forgotten about Yuuki, who had been looking at them with awe at first, but now that our emotions were all over the place, he seemed to have picked it up.

"Oh... It's nothing, Yuuki. You'll have to excuse me. I still have to go around for a few checks."


I walked away from him, walking past a familiar maid, who decided to talk to me during the passing, "They did a wonderful performance. I had a lot more fun than I had imagined."

Oh, it's Luminas. I'm glad she enjoyed the concert!

I took a quick breather in the balcony to compose my emotions before returning inside just as the lunch gathering concluded.

"Shion-chan and Shuna-chan really did a wonderful job in the concert. I was pleasantly surprised." I praised the two Onis that weren't around as they were busy with their own things again, "I never expected Shion-chan to be that good either."

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