The Fateful Meeting

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Rimuru POV

I only had a few hours of rest after that before the morning came and the meeting was approaching. Since this meeting was incredibly important, I chose a select few individuals to join. On my side, I had chosen to bring Feiyun, Iris, Beni, Rigurd, Shion, Diablo, and Testarossa. The Flame-chasers were going to be in another conference room to listen to the meeting. On Masayuki's side, there would be Velgrynd, Calgurio, Minits, Bonnie, Jiu, Kondou, Su, Hua, and Kevin. In the waiting room, everyone was already there. Even though it was on short notice, no one complained, and Shuna had volunteered to serve us. Politically speaking, we're not interested in ruling the Empire and the major war criminals, Michael and Feldway, were currently missing (because I kicked them out), and Kondou was being thought-induced, so even if he was the planner, we couldn't pin the blame on him since he was used as well. The current Chief Executive was Velgrynd since most of the major leaders of the Empire were dead and she held the position of Marshal. Since she had no territorial ambitions, the topics would be about the end of the war, war reparations, and the post-war reconstruction.

As I was deep in my thoughts, I was suddenly brought out of it when my eyes caught sight of a stunningly beautiful blue-haired woman walking in. It was Velgrynd.

"Did you want to talk to me?" I asked as she approached me

She gives me a small smile, "May I have a moment of your time?"

I returned the smile and nodded, moving somewhere to speak to Velgrynd alone.

"How is Veldora?"

"He's doing okay." I answered

She smiled gently, "I see, that's good to hear."

... I can't say it... Even after bravely fighting against her, Veldora is still afraid to talk to her normally. Sibling troubles are so complicated.

"So why did you want to see me?" I asked again

"I wanted to thank you." She answered, the smile remaining on her face, "The journey to find my beloved Rudra was more exciting than I ever imagined. I crossed numerous worlds, spent many years, and pursued that one person. One of the worlds I went to was the one you once lived in because you requested it from me."

"How are they?"

"They are doing okay, I suppose. Rudra's soul wasn't there but I certainly had an interesting talk with the Goddess of that world. Kiana, I recall. So young with so many responsibilities on her shoulders." She said with a light chuckle, "And very clumsy. She told me quite a bit of things. When I arrived, I was obviously seen as an intruder, but someone she had been communicating with... Mei, I think, felt something from me. 'Ego', she called it. It was on me and she identified that I came in relation to something about you."

"As expected of Mei!"

Velgrynd's face then morphed into one of seriousness, "There is something they told me that troubled me, and I believe that I should explain everything in the meeting."

I looked up at her and her serious eyes before nodding, "Got it."

Although... If she can jump through worlds... Ciel?

<Understood. I will begin the analysis.>

As expected of Ciel. Reliable as always!

"So I'm right to say that Masayuki is Rudra's reincarnation, right?" I asked, turning my attention back to Velgrynd

Velgrynd nodded happily, "Yes, he is. And I'm pretty sure he's almost a complete soul."

"That's great. I'm relieved to hear that you reunited with him now!" I said with a bright smile

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