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When I could finally open my eyes after walking through that bright door, all I felt around me was that sickeningly warm feeling, but this one was a little different than Rimuru's. Stretched out in front of us was a structure of a temple, vast and empty, save for the clouds and blue sky surrounding the platform we were on and the temple just further down.

"Is this... a different dimension?" Luminas's companion gaped

Corrie suddenly appears from the gem on her weapon, "Looks like it. They even replicated it to this point, huh? Impressive. As long as you aren't hostile, that woman won't make a move. She's the one that invited you guys, after all."

"That woman?"

"It hasn't even been a full day, yet here you are, Guy-sama." A voice interjected us

My eyebrow twitches in slight irritation as we see Keith walking up to us, "Oh, what a surprise to see you here, Keith. Let me guess, 'she' saw this development too?"

He had a tired smile as he shook his head, "Not this one, unfortunately. She did manage to sense something happening and quickly opened this area for this fight. It's not every day that a Demon Lord accepts such a ridiculous proposal from Rimuru-sama."

I shrugged, "Well, I guess I'm a special exception, huh?"

"I guess... Anyway, just follow me. The chosen battleground is ready, and I will lead the other Demon Lords to a safe area after dropping you off at the battleground."

We followed Keith's lead as he took us into the empty temple and Keith motioned to an open portal.

"The safe area is right there."

"Is Chloe inside?" Leon asks

"I believe so. That, or she may be with Veldora-sama and the others. You will know once you are inside. You can view the fight from inside there as well." Keith explains calmly before turning to me, "Rimuru-sama will be here in a few moments. I believe she said something about preparing herself..."

Why do you sound so unsure about what your own Master is doing?

He encouraged the other Demon Lords and their subordinates into the portal before walking in himself as the portal closes behind him. True to his words, Rimuru took only a few moments to appear in front of me in her usual battle attire.

"Sorry for the wait, Guy! I had to make a quick change and the others were still scolding me for suggesting a fight with you!" She explains very cheerfully

If my subordinates acted like that to me, I would have killed them. And you look way too happy for someone who got scolded. What kind of ruler are you...?

I decided to say the words that I had in my head, "You look too cheerful for someone who just got scolded."

She giggled at this, "They care about me, that's why! It's really cute anyway!"

She really does wear some of her thoughts on her sleeves...

"So are you done with your preparations?" I asked

She nods in reply, "Yup! I'll introduce it to you!"

Before I could question her about her words, a strange thrill resounded around the temple and a strange presence caught my attention. Outside the temple was some kind of creature floating about, it looked normal on the surface but looking under it, there was a sea of stars reflected under its fins.

"That's Mahesvara! If any of our attacks almost crumble this space, Mahesvara will quickly repair it!"

"Is that one of your so-called Honkai Beasts?" I asked with a small sigh

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