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Rimuru POV

We were now in the office of the Guildmaster and Fuze started scolding the three for what had just occurred.

"I thought I told you to bring her here the moment you arrived in Blumund." Fuze sighs

"Now, now! Thanks to them, I could get an identification card!" I said, trying to keep him calm

"Well, first of all, only a Guildmaster is allowed to administer the B-rank trial." Fuze said, sighing as he sat on the couch opposite me, "... We know you don't mean any harm. But the same can't be said for others. If people knew you were the Master of thousands of monsters..."

"Hm, yeah. You're right. I haven't signed any contracts with this nation. Sorry, I'll be more careful next time." I said, making sure to assure him with a grin

"... Actually, the King of Blumund knows of your visit and wishes to meet you in secret. Though I heard you were in a hurry to get to Ingracia." Fuze explained

"Really?! Then tell him that I'll meet him!"

"Understood. Then His Majesty will meet you in three days. Please prepare until then. In the meantime, we will sign the treaty tomorrow with the Baron." Fuze informed me


And the next day, I met up with Fuze and he brought me to the mansion of the Baron.

"Good day, Lady of the nation of monsters. I am one of Blumund's Ministers, Belyard. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Belyard greeted me as he held out his hand

I returned a handshake and a greeting to him immediately, "Nice to meet you. I am Rimuru Tempest. I apologize but I'm still not familiar with proper etiquette."

"This guy's nobility, but he's also an old friend of mine. You don't have to be so stiff around him." Fuze assures me

Belyard leads us into his mansion. It was really big and spacious, as expected.

"Ziggis told me that you defeated a Lesser Demon with a sword and ice magic." Belyard said

"Oh, yes."

"We don't have much time. Let's begin at once."

He brought us into a room and handed me two contracts. A mutual defense treaty and a mutual passage agreement.

"Our nation's defense is primarily based on our cooperation with the Adventurer's Guild. That's why... we would like your nation to aid us as a second line of defense. Of course, we pay handsomely for their services, but... Frankly, there's little benefit for your nation in this treaty." Belyard sighs while I continued reading the two contracts

Hm... That's true. With all that has happened, I doubt they could provide much aid. This contract declares that during times of crisis, our nation will provide 'as much assistance as possible'. It's true that Tempest wouldn't benefit much from this clause. However... Tempest will benefit from the second portion of the agreement and I cannot sign one without the other. But then... Hey, Great Sage-san. Could you give me a mental map of the nations surrounding this place?


I concentrated on the mental map I was shown and... I had suspected as much.

"Baron Belyard. This treaty would mean that if the nations went to war or tried to invade, that would mean that Tempest would have to interject too, right? For example, the Eastern Nation." I said, pointing out the fact

"... Yes. You are quite sharp. That's right. If the Eastern Nation decides to invade, we would have to ask for your nation's help if you signed this treaty." Belyard confirmed with slight hesitance

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