Planning for the Future

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Third Person POV

Now that they could put the matter of Obera aside, Luminas continued with the meeting.

"Anyway, we don' t know each other well, so we can't cooperate. So, I will summarize the situation."

She began by listing the enemy forces. Leading the enemy forces was Michael, and under his control was the Frost Dragon, Velzard. Then there was Phantom King Feldway. Under his command was Zalario of the Three Phantom Commanders. Then the insectar that Zalario was monitoring, and their ruler, Insect Lord Zelanus. Zelanus might have his own subordinates, but Obera didn't know much about them, so it remained unclear. So far, Rimuru found the insectar Majins to be the most troublesome enemies. Shion had a tough time fighting against Razul last time and even Minaza from the Single Digits was also an insectar. Zelanus himself seemed to be dangerous but he might also have subordinates himself. There were also Dino, Pico, and Garcia. And finally...

"An undead elf with an angel incarnating its body that could rival us. Hmm, that's tricky. I'd feel a little better if I at least knew how many of them there were." Dagruel complained

"That's extravagant. It's lucky that we've even found out this much. We should be thinking of countermeasures." Luminas rebuked

"Do we have an idea on who should deal with whom?" Leon asked

"Well, at the very least, it would be best if Leon didn't have to deal with Michael." Dagruel commented

Rimuru nodded in agreement, "He's right. The lesser contact Leon has with the enemy, the better. Plus, the power to dominate seems to be transferrable, so Feldway should be kept away as well."

"It's annoying. If they take control of Leon as well, then the disparity between our forces will become even greater." Luminas muttered in displeasure

"Oh, now that I think about it, Leon might not be the only one that should watch out for the domination." Feiyun chimes in, "I found out about this when Michael tried to dominate Veldora, but apparently, if you weaken a being enough, it's possible to control them with his <Regalia Dominion>."


Rimuru's mouth was agape in surprise. It seemed like Feiyun's mistake was not telling her everything that happened in her illusion, so even Rimuru wasn't fully aware that this was possible. She had just known that it was possible to weaken someone like Veldora with an attack like Kondou's <Judgment>. Unfortunately, the information was forgotten for awhile due to the easygoing Herrscher behind her.


And just her luck, Ciel had decided to conveniently remain silent after realizing the lapse of information. There was a commotion for awhile after that before Guy settled down first to ask the question.

"So, there is no one here who is being controlled by the <Regalia Dominion>?"

"Oh, there's no problem there. I can detect that. When it comes to the control of those with Angelic skills, there are no definitive symptoms or mindset, but in the case of a <Regalia Dominion>, it's a forced dominion, so the ego disappears and the reaction is unnatural." Feiyun explained

Iris sighed heavily, "Please tell us things like that earlier..."

Feiyun shrugged uncaringly, "Well, it was something I could deal with so I didn't think it was important until now."

"Unbelievable..." Luminas grumbled

Leon sighed, "You're as carefree as your master..."

"Oh, whatever. That's enough of that. Rimuru, you've probably done something out of the ordinary. And your companion there, if you can tell when someone is under control, then the <Regalia Dominion> is no more of a threat than the <Ultimate Dominion>. The question is how do we deal with them?" Luminas said, changing the subject

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