Side Story: The Long Journey

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Veldora POV

I am the great and mighty Storm Dragon, Veldora! I was trapped in the <Unlimited Imprisonment> by the Hero three hundred years ago and have since been rather lonely. That was until this odd sentient slime came hurling onto my cage, that is. It... or rather, she truly was an oddball and a rare reincarnated Otherworlder that retained all of her memories of her previous incarnation with the ability to transform into her previous incarnation. A short interaction later and she gives me the most amusing suggestion! I would be 'consumed' by her and would stay inside her until she figures out a way to unravel the <Unlimited Imprisonment> with her skill from the outside and all I had to do was unravel it from the inside!

Kuahahaha! Interesting! This slime is too interesting! Of course, I will accept this!

Before that, I had given the slime a name, Rimuru Tempest. She also gave me a family name, thus, I am now called Veldora Tempest. I feel a close and tight bond with her now. And then, here I am, in a spatial space called the 'Stomach', all alone again and very bored.

"I guess I should work on the <Unlimited Imprisonment>, but..." I grumbled a little in dismay at this lonely situation

Ah, I know! I can watch what she is doing from inside here using my skill <Inquirer>!

Before I could do that, I hear a few clattering noises behind me and I am, of course, very curious as to what it is. So when I turned my head, I see a pile of... items? They look square-ish and are very small for my claws. There is even text scribbled on it. 

Let's see... 'The Journey of the Thirteen'? Hm? This other one reads 'The Pristine Girl'.

I looked through the pile and discovered that there were multiple copies of the same names, except that most were numbered. Curious, I attempted to connect to Rimuru's surface memory and she surprisingly complies very easily and a treasure trove of information is now in front of me.

Haha! It seems like I will not be bored here after all! Thank you, Rimuru!

I glanced at the first pile of items again. I am still immensely curious about what they are since they entered this space without my knowledge. They were not like these flippable ones and they feel flimsier than them. What are they?

<Answer. They are tapes of past memories.>

Oh! How interesting! Mm? This one looks different.

I held up the item that had a distinct crystal flower depicted on it and read the words.

"'Dear... Dear Elysia'?"

The item suddenly comes to life, transforming into a small figure with little wings on its back. Her blue eyes blinked open and those same eyes are staring at me with great awe.

"Wow! A dragon! A real dragon! So cool!"

Now she was fluttering around me as she looks at me from all angles before skidding to a stop in front of me.

Who is this little creature?

<Answer. A guide.>

"Hi! My name is Elf Elysia! I will be your guide through the memories of Elysia!"

"Elysia... Ah, you mean Rimuru! Yes, yes, she did mention that her previous name was 'Elysia' and what did you say? Her memories?" I asked in curiosity

The small elf (?) nods, "Mhm! The story of Elysia is magical and beautiful, but also sad. But if you don't want to do that, you can also go through the Journey of the Thirteen Flame-chasers instead! The thirteen warriors that fought for humanity!"

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