To Protect What's Important

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Third Person POV

Dino was annoyed. He was in a situation where he could defeat his opponents easily, and yet here he was, struggling in a deadlock fight with Xin and Beretta as they exchanged punches and slashes with him.

"I thought I was far superior to these guys, but was I just being overconfident? Even with two opponents at the same time, I didn't think I'd be having such a hard time."

Xin had now proven that Feiyun's training was effective as he was almost masterfully using the Water's Edge without much difficulty as the Arcadia Honkai energy he absorbed into his body was now useful to control the power of the Water's Edge. Plus, Beretta was acting as a shield while Xin focused on attacking. Beretta's magic was troublesome and was predominantly a support type and was not used to attack Dino directly but to strengthen his own physical values, moreover, he and Xin were immune to his Unique Skill <Sloth>'s <Fallen Hypno>.

"Don't get distracted again, Dino-san."

"You can't afford to look the other way, can you?"

Finally, Dino felt the long-awaited feeling accumulating inside him, and it was time for him to fight back.

"Shut up! Two people teaming up to bully a weak man like me, and yet you talk so high and mighty! It's only because I'm patient that I've been able to keep you guys company. You should be grateful! Take this and get some rest!"

Activating <Fallen Hypno> again, Dino was dearly hoping that the two would finally go to sleep, but alas, it was useless as the assault from the two continued. Since Xin still kept Feiyun's feather close and Beretta's <Double-Crosser> canceling the effect, <Fallen Hypno> couldn't do anything to them.

"Are you kidding me?!" Dino yelled in dismay, "I can't believe they managed to keep things this even until now with me as an opponent. It's not because of me, but because Beretta and the others are so good. In that case, I'll have to use that..."

"I'll admit it. You should be proud of yourself for making me take you this seriously." Dino said as he activated the Ultimate Skill given to him by Veldanava, the <Heavenly King, Astarte>

<Confirmed. The evolution of the Unique Skill <<Sloth>> through the <<Creation>> of the Ultimate Skill <<Heavenly King, Astarte>>... Successful.>

The unique nature of his <Sloth>... The lazier he was, the more energy Dino could accumulate. Taking advantage of this, Dino evolved his Unique Skill <Sloth> into the Ultimate Skill <Sloth King, Belphegor>. The secret move involved using <Creative Evolution> from the Ultimate Skill of <Heavenly King, Astarte> to achieve his desired evolution, though it was limited to his own skill. He was reluctant to expose this much of his powers since the labyrinth is always under Rimuru's watch but he had no other choice this time. Knowing that she would think of countermeasures to go against his skill, Dino decided to only show the power of his <Sloth King, Belphegor>, targeting its power on Xin and Beretta.

"Now sleep! <Fallen Catastrophe>!"

As the laws were rewritten, and all positive factors began to regress to negative factors, the temptation would lead a person, dead or alive, to a state of cessation. It was considered a type of hypnotism that walked the path of destruction but the effects also reached different dimensions. No one would be able to awaken from the slumber of the evolved <Sloth King, Belphegor>, it destroyed both the mind and body, but since the guided destination this time was destruction, it was also possible to lower the level and limit it to abnormalities such as sleep and since it did not use sound as a medium to transmit interference waves, it could not be prevented by physical barriers and with very few means of defense. Absolute domination over those who possessed wisdom and feelings. This was the power of <Sloth King, Belphegor>.

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