The Fool

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Rimuru POV

When I think about it now, I really should have thought this through. Feiyun already despised the man as it is, I only made things worse by asking her to recreate his ego. I didn't think that he would be able to take on the form of a projection so soon.

Well, it goes to show that even if he was foolish in the past, he was still impressively cunning...

<A grave miscalculation on our part. However, thankfully, things have settled down!>

... Can you really call this 'settled down'...?

If even Veldora had to join in to stop Feiyun, it says a lot. That child actually triggered a mini Eruption from her anger alone. We somehow managed to keep the damage to the minimum since Guy's palace was already damaged as it is. Now, we've isolated both the man and Feiyun away in <Origin Barriers>. Iris is now keeping an eye on Feiyun in case she tries to break out. As for the girl herself, she's still very much irritated and in an even worse mood being held up by one of Iris's giant mechanical hands.

"Sorry, Guy, but how's everyone?" I asked, now assessing the damage

Unfortunately, what Feiyun's Eruption meant this time was a mental attack. Even if she didn't mean to, some of the companions of the other Demon Lords have fainted from the Eruption. It didn't seem like they would be waking up any time soon.

At least she thought to not eliminate him immediately with her <Ego Destruction>... But it also means that she might actually do it the next time he mocks her or Hua...

"Rimuru. I'm being serious here but... What the hell?!" Guy yelled, as expected as he pointed at the man, "Who did you bring here?!"

"Well, he was supposed to help prove a point but..." I sighed as I looked at the man with a weary look, "Please don't purposely create trouble when I finally persuaded Feiyun to recover your ego, Otto Apocalypse."

The man is now seated on a chair and protected behind my <Origin Barrier> shrugs, "I was merely giving her my greetings. It has been a long time, hasn't it, my old friend?"

Feiyun snaps at him, "Shut up! Who are you calling an 'old friend'?! I wouldn't have recovered your ego if I wasn't asked to, you old fossil!"

"Well, his personality is pretty much the exact same." Iris sighed, having met the man once when she was still the Will of Honkai, "... Please stay still, Feiyun."

Iris probably knows that Feiyun could break out if she wanted to but for now, let's just leave it at that.

"Please stop agitating her. You already caused enough damage." I warned him

The man simply shrugged, "It's not like I can do anything if that girl has a grip on this 'ego' of mine. Still, you wouldn't have gone this far to 'call me back from the dead' unless you actually wanted to prove something extremely important."

I noticed the look Guy had on his face as soon as he heard this. He must have the same thoughts as me now since he stared at Feiyun for a moment before turning back to Otto.

"Otto Apocalypse, correct?" He asked and Otto gave him a patronizing grin, "... You were brought back from the dead, right? To what extent? And how did you know that you were once dead?"

"It's simple, really. I was brought back from memories and recollections of the time I was alive. Of course I know I am already dead if the ones that know me are already aware of my death. Call it an 'instinct' based on the process that went through to bring me here." Otto explained

Guy hummed in thought, "Is that so? Then does this mean that you can use whatever power you once had in the past?"

Otto shakes his head with a chuckle, "Well, if this body is any proof, then it should mean something, right?"

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